7. The Blur and Her Swift Sword

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"No one knows precisely how the Sword Saints come into possession of their legendary blades. If it were so well known, people would betray the Virtues themselves to get a hold of that power."

- The Swords that Shaped History: Introduction.

The sun was still high in the sky – but slowly moving westward – when he passed beneath the old stone arch that marked the entrance to Sorenton on the northwest side of town. He paused there to take it all in, his journey truly about to begin. He breathed in and breathed out and let the breeze caress his cheeks. It was a beautiful day to start his adventure.

Shu started to walk, but he kept his pace to a minimum. The next town along the road – Nallic – was two days away. He could have certainly gotten there much faster by horse, but it was his first time truly leaving his home; he wanted to take it all in in stride. He didn't really have a choice in the matter as there were no horses available in town anyway.

He marveled at the beauty of the forest as he walked. Sorenton sat at the south end of the Queendom, nestled along the southern reaches of the Valewood, the largest forest in the Six Realms. It was more open around his home, but he knew that going deep in was dangerous for many, many reasons, chief among them bandits, tribes of Caecili and other monsters. The roads were generally safe, or so he was told. He knew that soldiers patrolled the roads on occasion.

After a mile or two, the road widened slightly, the trees giving way to a small clearing. A small wooden fence, broken in places, lined the edges. A lamppost with an unlit torch stood at his right side. He took a seat next to it, placing his things by his feet. It was as good a spot as any to take a quick break. Shu broke off a piece of bread and chewed it as he reviewed his map.

It was before long, and before he'd barely eaten his bread, when he heard a rustle all around him. Twigs cracked and broke, leaves crumbled, someone coughed and another chuckled. He'd walked into an ambush.

There was a dozen of them – angry and evil men – which Shu thought was a bit excessive but not completely surprising for people like them, people who liked to intimidate and have big shows of force. They could have had half the men and Shu still likely wouldn't have had much of a chance. It appears as if my journey will end before it has a chance to begin.

The big ugly bastard with the blind eye from the tavern was there again and still seemed to be in charge. With his giant claymore hefted over his shoulder, he spat on the ground in disgust, his scowl making his busted-up face even uglier.

"I don't care if you are the boss's kid or even the long-lost son of the Queen, I'm gonna teach you a lesson." He brought his claymore out in front of him.

With a long sigh, Shu unsheathed Whisper a gift from the man the brute claimed to serve. Even with the truth about his father known, he still cherished the blade. He gripped the hilt and shifted a ready stance, his legs shoulder width apart and his sword held squarely out in front of him and at the ready. Shu knew that he had little chance of leaving there alive, especially if they all attacked at once, but by the Virtues he swore that he would at least beat the ugly one.

He closed his eyes and sent up a silent prayer:

Justice guide me down the path of righteousness.

Order correct me and bring me balance.

Bravery steel me and give me the strength to overcome.

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