Superman Explanation

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Me: Chapter Nine is here!

Now, time to read the chapter!


*Talking* - Superman talking to the team, not in the flashback.

Talking - In Flashback.



*It was 5 years ago. I left the team for a while for some time of own. What I didn't know, I was about to face a much stronger enemy than me.*

Superman was flying high in the air. He looks down at the forest and a sound that sounded like crying and human.

He flew down to see what it was. Looking around, he heard a sound in the bushes to his right. Walking over to them, he moved them out of his way so he could see. What he saw made his eyes widen.

A boy, covered in dirt and grim, holes in his clothes, no shoes, wild long brown hair that was going everywhere, and light green eyes. His legs were pulled to his chest with his arms around them, his head on his knees.

*He was alone, afraid, shaking. The boy looked like he had given up at some point to find other people.*

"Hey, it's alright, it's safe." Superman held his hand out. "I'm Superman."

The boy lifted up his head up more. "Superman?"

Superman nodded and he gave a little smile. The boy grabbed Superman's hand and he helped him up.

"What's your name?"

The boy looked very thoughtful as if he was trying to remember. The boy then had a defeated look. "I don't know. I can't seem to remember."

Superman smiled. "That's alright, you'll remember at some point."

The boy smiled. Superman kneeled down to the boy to look him in the eyes. "What are you doing out here?"

The boy seemed to move closer to Superman. "Running."

"Running? Why?"

"Running from the monster."

"What monster?"

Superman then heard something. Grabbing the boy, he rolled out of the way of an incoming blast. Superman looked where it came from and widen his eyes again.

The boy screamed. "THAT MONSTER!"

*Danny, when you described Vlad's ghost form. I realized that that ghost was the same, including his name.*

Superman looked at the boy. "Run!"

The boy ran into the forest. Superman looked back at the ghost and stood up. "

Superman, the man of steel, I didn't expect to see you here." The ghost floated closer to Superman. "Then again, you're a hero."

"Who are you and what do you want with that boy."

"My name is Vlad Plasmius, and I want that boy dead because he saw who I really was when I'm not in ghost form." Superman flew up to be at Vlad's height in the air.

"I won't let you near that boy."

Vlad laughed. "Like you have a choice."

Vlad blasted an echo-blast at Superman who dodged it. Vlad flew in front of Superman and threw a punch. Superman blocked the punch with his arm. Superman threw his own punch to Vlad's chest, which sent him flying to the ground. Vlad did not move. Superman flew down to him, making sure he was knocked out.

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