A Brother's Fight Part 1

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Me: I do pay attention to the comments, you guys know that right?

And by the way, do to a comment on Fanfiction.net saying that I'm a guy, I'm actually a girl. 

And I know it was in a jokey way, but I wanted to let you guys know.

Hope you guys like the chapter. Though maybe, you won't.


He growled as he banged his hand against the wall.

He wanted revenge.

He wanted him to get hurt.

He wanted him to suffer.

But Phantom always found a way to get out of it. To beat him.

But not this time. This time he was going to get hurt. This time he was going to get his revenge. And Phantom is going to help him get it.

He walked over to a chest and opened it. A red orb was glowing bright, revealing the one who opened the chest to be Freakshow.

Freakshow smiled evilly. He grabbed the orb and put it on the staff. He knew where Phantom was. He knew how to get him.

He knew how to hurt him.


Danny sat on his bed in Cave, breathing heavily and holding his head.

This headache has been hurting his head all day. And since Robin could feel what he was feeling, he knew just how bad it was. Danny couldn't help but feel something was going to happen. Something that he wasn't going to like.

Robin couldn't stand seeing his brother like this any longer so he got up and walked over to him.

"Danny." Danny just groaned.

"Danny, are you okay? You've been having a headache all day," Robin said. He paused. "Add yesterday as well."

Danny shook his head before looking at his brother.

"I'm fine. It's just...I just feel like something going to happen, bro. Something that none of us are going to like."

Robin put his hands on Danny's shoulders.

"Don't worry, little bro. I'm not going to let anything happen to you." Robin hugged Danny. Danny sighed and hugged back.

They wanted to stay like for a while, but alas, something just had to ruin it.

"Guys!" Both letting out an aggravating groan, both turned to Kid Flash who was standing at the door.

"What," both let out at the same time. Kid Flash flinched, realizing that he ruined a moment, before saying what he was sent here to say.

"We got trouble," Kid Flash said.

"What kind," the twins said together again.

Kid Flash took a deep breath before saying, "A freak show who is attacking Happy Habor, saying yelling that his enemy Phantom better come out of hiding."

It took only a second for Danny and Robin to realize who Kid was talking about.

"Freakshow," Danny shouted as he stood up.

Kid led Robin and Danny to the Main room. Once there, the twins could see what Freakshow was doing.

"He's destroying the city," Robin gasped.

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