I'm Stronger Than You Know Part 1

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Me: Just to let you guys know, I have this story on Fanficton.net and my username is 'Triforce Dragons'. 

I hope you enjoy the chapter and I'll try to update as fast as I can.

Anyway, let's got on with the chapter! 


Danny looked at his brother who was at the moment, playing with Elly.

This new danger, whatever it is it's coming and there's nothing I can do to stop it. Danny watched his brother pin Elly to the ground and tickle her, laughing all the way.

My brother and sister are in danger and my friends are in danger in well. Even the Justice League. Danny closed his eyes and banged his head against the wall he was leaning against. Why is it that every time I manage to find something in my life I enjoy getting back, something comes and threatens to take it away?

"Danny, are you okay," Elly's voice broke him out of his thoughts. Danny opened his eyes and saw Robin and Elly looking at him. When had they stopped Danny thought.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Robin narrowed his eyes.

"Stop," Robin said. Danny looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

Robin walked up to Danny. "Stop lying."

Danny bristled. "No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are! I feel it!" Danny gulped.

He had forgotten that they could feel each other's emotions. Robin looked at brother, letting hurt flow through his being so Danny could feel it.

"Ever since we got back from the Ghost Zone, you had quieted up. You've been awake a lot more, not going to sleep. You've been off into La-La land like you were a couple of seconds ago. We called you a couple of times before you finally heard us. What are you hiding?"

Danny gulped again. He didn't want Robin to worry about what Clockwork said to him so he didn't tell him or anyone else for the same reason. But it seems that he didn't do a good job and his brother ended up worrying about him anyway.

"You wouldn't understand," Danny finally said.

"Then help us understand," another voice said. Danny looked around and saw his friends, Batman, Superman, Black Canary, and others of the Justice League were there, waiting for an answer.

Danny realized that all of them wanted to know. Danny once again gulped. "I'm not getting out of this, am I?"

All of them nodded, stating that they will not let this go on any longer. Danny sighed and opened his mouth to speak, but it wasn't words that came out, oh no.

It was his ghost sense.

Looking up, Danny saw Robin's ghost sense show up as well. Danny looked at Robin as Robin looked at him. Slowly, both of them began looking around.

"What? What is it," Kis Flash asked.

"Their ghost sense. A ghost is nearby," Elly said, going near Robin. An evil laugh sounded through the room and everyone instantly was in a fighting stance or had their weapon out.

"How right you are, Danielle."

Danny instantly recognized the voice. "Vlad! You son of a ghost! Show yourself," Danny yelled.

Vlad laughed again. "But that would be taking away my fun."

"You are no fun," Elly shouted, "And my name's Elly now!"

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