New Face And Two Big Problems

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Me: Okay, this chapter is going to be very, well, how do you out it? Tense.

The final enemy is revealed in this chapter and there is going to be a new character and a new problem.

Yeah, I probably know what some of you are thinking.

"Why, Triforce Dragons are you making two new problems to the story when it's only 4 chapters away from getting done?"

Well, the problems will fit the ending and there is something that I'm going to tell you guys.

I'm making a bonus chapter as well! I realized that my ideas went over 30 so I made a bonus chapter.

To Everyone: The new character was a request, one that I happy made. And because of this, I have made a character request story, where you can review what characters you want me to use, or characters that you made up that you want to include.

Now, this is out, read the chapter.


He pressed a button on the broad of his ship.

He was wearing nine rings on his figures, only one having no rings. The rings were different colors. Going in order on the left hand was: Red, Orange, Yellow, and Black rings. Going in order on the right hand was: Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, and White Rings.

His suit looked like Hal Jordan's, but he all the colors of his rings on his suit. His hair was brown, like his eyes.

He was someone who was rare. He was chosen by all of the rings, which made him strong and powerful. He had to follow rules about his powers, but he did his own things.

He was just about to press another button when an alarm sounded through his ship.

Eyes wide, he pressed a button which showed a giant asteroid coming right at him. Grabbing the controls, he turned his ship away from the asteroid.

Breathing heavily, he looked at the asteroid as it continued on its way.

"I got to make sure it won't hit any upcoming planets," he said. He pressed some buttons and screen zoomed in on the asteroid's course. Or rather, what is in its way.

He gasped when he saw his home planet, Earth, on its path. He quickly did a list, to see if his planet would survive the asteroid hitting it.

He paled once he saw the list. Because the asteroid's chemical formula which surrounded it, echo-radium, made it hard to destroy, and it's size and speed, Earth would not survive the hit. In fact, it would be destroyed on impact.

He knew what he had to do. He had to call Earth and warn them. But first, he had to call the Council and get their permission. Even if they agree to let Earth know about them because of the danger it's in, they would like to know first.

He just hoped the Heroes of Earth didn't have a problem on their hands.


He was so wrong.

Because Dark Dan's thermos was shaking.

Dark Dan had grown tired of being trapped in of his little prison.

He wanted to get back at Danny.

The more he thought about Danny, the angrier he got.

Seconds later, the thermos cracked.

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