Revealed And Shut Down

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Me: Did you guy's love the last chapter?

That's great!

Those of you who guessed the line from the last chapter, your right if you say "The Avengers" movie after Agent Coulson shoots Loki. That scene I found funny. Loki is just talking and Coulson just shoots him.

Now it's time to see what Superman and Batman will say to the press about the Guys In White.

If you ask me, they deserve it to after all they did. Who's with me?! *Raises fist in the air*

*cheers from crowd*


Italic- on screen 


"DANNY! COME ON! HURRY UP," Dick yelled outside his brother's bedroom door. There was a loud shout and a bang from Danny's side of the door. Dick giggled, knowing that Danny just fell off the side of the bed and onto the floor.

Serves him right for trying to sleep in.

There was grumbling before footsteps came to the door and it opened, revealing a tired-looking Danny.

"What," Danny asked dryly.

Dick chuckled. "Superman is going to reveal the Guys In White in the press meeting and we need to be at the Cave to watch with the others. Remember?"

Suddenly, Danny didn't look so tired. "Oh Ghost," Danny yelled.

Danny slammed his door shut and ran to get changed. Dick laughed and ran down to get breakfast and told Elly what happened. She, of course, laughed, knowing that Danny was playing Doom and didn't pay attention to the time.

Danny came down a minute later. After they all ate, they all race down the Bat Cave. A race that the three tied in and laughed about. Dick got changed into his Robin suit while Danny and Elly went ghost.

When they got to the zeta-tube, they found Batman had left a note, stating that he was already gone. Danny raised an eyebrow.

"How long ago did he leave," he asked.

Robin looked at him. "Don't ask, you're not going to get an answer."

When they got to the Cave, they instantly went to the Lounge, where their friends were sitting.

"Hey Guys," Kid said as he waved at them. Robin, Danny, and Elly sat down on the couch.

Artemis looked at them. "You guy's got here just in time. Superman and Batman are just about to start talking."

Robin smirked. "We would have been here sooner, but Danny just had to sleep in."

Danny let out a sound of protest as everyone started laughing.

"Why were you sleeping in," Miss Martin teased. Danny glared at her until Elly spoke.

"He was playing Doom," Elly yelled.

Danny let out another protest and shouted, "Elly!" Everyone laughed at Danny. Said boy just crossed his arms and pouted.

"Hey guys, it's starting," Superboy said, pointing to the large screen. Everyone left Danny alone for now as looked at the screen. The pout left Danny's face as he to stared at the screen, but tossed Robin and Elly a quick glare.

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