Hello Misplaced Aggression

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Me: Hi, everyone.

Thank you for the comments. 

I knew I would make some people cry.

I don't own Danny Phantom or Young Justice.



"So, what made you become Robin, Dick?"

Right now, the brothers were cuddling. Robin had his back against the wall, Danny was between his legs with his back against Robin's chest. Robin had his left hand warped around Danny's waist and his right hand stroking the side of Danny's head.

Robin shrugged, "I wanted to get justice for our parents. I did just that and Tony Zucco went to jail. After that, I started helping Batman a lot more."

Danny nodded. "What happened, Dick?"

Robin glanced down at his brother. "What do you mean?"

"On the news it said that you had died when a wall fell on you, burying you in the rubble. How did you survive?"

"I believe it was my Ghost half that protected me. I was in a coma till after the big battle I'm sure you know about."

"Yes, I know about it. The one where Kid Flash died in."

"Yes, he did die. But my determination to bring him back was at large. Me and my teammates, who also wanted him back, built something that would pull his molecules back together. It worked. We were all so happy and I can't wait for Artemis to see him."


"She is a girl who is an Archer and she fell in love with Kid Flash, only she never got to tell him. She only was told after he died that he loved her. She now calls herself Tigress to 'get some distance' from the pain."

"I know how that feels."

"How so?"

Danny told Robin about Sam. After he did, Robin wrapped his arms around him.

"Sorry, you had to go through all that."

"It's okay."

Danny leaned into his brothers embrace. Silence filled the caves for a couple of minutes. Robin smiled and even if Danny couldn't see it, he felt it.

"Want to come with back to the Young Justice base?"

Danny turned in his brother's grip to look at his face.

"They didn't know I was a super-powered teen. I kept it hidden. It was only revealed when Klarion had me trapped in a circle of Blood Blossoms-," Robin didn't get far after that.

"WHAT!" Danny shot up and pulled his brother to his feet.

"Are you alright! Please tell me you're alright!"

"Danny, I'm fine. Would I be standing here if I wasn't."

Danny calmed down.

"Anyway, after the vapor started eating me from the inside out, my teammates ate the flowers, saving me. After that, my secret was revealed. Four members of the Justice League, mainly Superman, wanted to interrogate me cause of what I was. Seven others didn't think it was fair, mainly Batman and my teammates, and went against what Superman thought."

"Thanks for telling me," Danny paused.

"I think I felt your pain when you were under the Blood Blossoms mercy."

"And I think I felt your emotions earlier as well."

"We can feel each other emotions."


Silence. The two brothers looking that each other. Then..."Cool!" was all that came from them. They laughed.

"Klarion and Superman and the ones who were with him are going to have a talk with me."

"Uh oh, you're angry."

"Yep, and they better duck when they see me."

"Does that mean your-," Robin didn't finish what he was saying.

"Yes, I'm going back with you."

Robin smiled and hugged his brother, which Danny returned.

"Come on." Robin took Danny's hand and left the caves, went to the portal he went through when he got here, walked out of their real father's lab, turned of the portal, turned invisible and flew back to Young Justice base.


Robin walked in the room with Danny in following. He expected to see everyone looking at him, maybe even Superman glaring at him, not an empty room.

"Where is everyone," Robin asked out loud as Danny walked up to a T.V. screen.

"Found them," Danny said as he looked at the T.V. Robin walked up to him.

"Today on today's news: A hostage situation at the downtown bank has Young Justice and Justice League struggling. The gunman have threatened to kill the hostages unless Young Justice and the Justice League try not to enter the building. Young Justice and the Justice League have no choice to back down when one of the gunners shot a couple in the legs, threatening to shot higher next time. What will Young Justice and the Justice League do?"

Robin and Danny looked at each other.

Danny smiled. "I got this."

"You sure," Robin asked, worried.

"I'll be fine. Trust me." "

I trust you. What do you plan to do?"

Danny just smirked.


Aqualad glared at the building that they were trying to get in. They couldn't even get close to the building with a warning shot. Kid Flash had to stay in sight of one of the windows a gunman was watching. If Kid Flash disappeared, a hostage would get killed. Aqualad walked up to Batman and Superman.

"What do we do," Aqualad asked them. They looked at him. Before they could answer, a voice spoke.

"Well, need help?"

Turning around, Aqualad saw Robin standing behind him.

"Robin!" Aqualad hugged Robin who hugged back. Batman smiled the sight of Robin as Superman remained emotionless.

Aqualad pulled way. "Yes, we need help."

Robin smiled and walked up to Batman as Aqualad turned back around.

"I didn't expect you to be back so soon." Robin shrugged.

"So, you got a plan," Batman asked.

Robin smiled. "Nope. He does," he said.

"He? Who's he," Aqualad asked.

Turning to the building, Robin said, "You'll see."


The gunman walked around, looking for a way to escape, obvious to the being with snow-white hair and glowing green eyes watching them. Danny smiled.

"Let's see how they deal with something they don't expect." Danny turned invisible and intangible.

"Hello misplaced aggression."


Me: Sooooo, you like?

The Young Justice doesn't know that Robin is Dick.

Don't you love making up your own stories the way you want it to be?

Anyway, so long till the next chapter.

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