What I Can Become

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Me: Hey everyone! The chapter has come! What chapter may you ask?

*Cannons fire cannonballs from behind me*

The Reveal!

*Cannon balls aim for me*

*Yelps and ducks*

Hey! I know I'm gonna deserve that but if I don't do this chapter you'll never see the end!

Anyway, I hope you guys like this chapter because after this, let's just say they get tender after this chapter.

Now, read the chapter, because if you're still reading this then your not getting closer to the ending.

And fair warning, this chapter may be a bit, sad and tearful as well.


Danny floated above the couch in the Lounge. He had told the Justice League, his friends and his brother and sister to all come here, for he had something to tell them. Danny was nervous. So many things can go wrong.

Different endings. Different scenarios.

But he would not back down. He was going to do this, he had to do this. Because he doesn't know what will happen in the future, so he had to tell them.

A door opening broke Danny out of his thoughts. Looking down, Danny saw his Robin and sister leading the others to the two couches. Robin looked up at Danny.

"So, what's this important thing you have to tell us about," Robin said.

Danny gestured to the couches. "You guys might want to sit down. We will be here for a while."

Raising an eyebrow, Robin gestured to the couches and they all took a seat. His friends, brother, and sister one while the Justice League was one the other. The Justice League members who were there were Black Canary, Superman, Batman, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, and Flash.

Danny sighed and landed on the ground. He could feel himself shaking a bit. He was scared, he knew that, but he also knew he had to do this. He had to do this now or he will never be able to do it.

Robin sat up, feeling the fear from his brother.

"Danny, what's wrong? Why are you afraid," Robin asked, starting to stand up. Danny held up a hand which made Robin stop.

"I'm okay. I'm just very nervous about doing this," Danny said, his eyes closed.

Danny opened his eyes and looked at everyone. "I told you about my enemies, but there is one enemy that I didn't tell you guys about. He is what I'm going to talk about."

Everyone stayed quiet, giving Danny the time to think of what he was going to say.

Then, Danny started to speak again. "This enemy is the one that was the strongest. The one who can show me what I can do with the power I hold. The enemy that I fear and hate the most. My ultimate enemy."

Danny stopped talking and looked down. Kid, being who is, spoke up.

"And how is this guy your ultimate enemy? How bad can he actually be," Kid Flash asked, with a smile on his face.

Danny looked at him, "Dark Dan is me from an alternate timeline that I stopped from happening, but I still, run the risk of becoming to be if I'm not careful. Dark Dan is the evil me."

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