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Me: Hey everyone! The chapter is here.

For those of you who had ideas, I'm sorry to say that I can't use them.

For I have this chapter down, then the 30th chapter down, and the bonus chapter which won't be that long at all but still a chapter. Sorry, if I can't use your ideas.

Now, just read the chapter.

*Hides in an armor proof, bullet proof, rocket-proof, poison gas proof, stacked with food and water bottles, and a computer all ready to type with bunker*

I'm hiding from all of you because I'm scared of your reaction and I'm not coming out till the 30th chapter is out, so read this chapter which is the 29th! If you want to know what I mean, read the chapter's title. Doesn't it say something is about to happen?


Danny stared at the dark power, trying to come up with a way to stop it. Danny looks around. Everyone was close to each other.

He looks at Superboy and Miss Martin who are hugging, Kid Flash and Artemis do the same thing. Aqualad is standing next to the four, looking very worried. Superman and Omni Lantern had joined the other members of the Justice League, trying to find a way to stop the dark power. Beast Boy very worried, glancing at Elly every now and then.

Finally, Danny looked at his siblings and Batman, who had joined them while everyone else was thinking.

Batman had his hands on Robin and his shoulders, trying to look emotionless but failing, letting fear show a little. Fear for Danny, Robin, and Elly.

Elly was hugging Robin's middle, having on growing a bit. She was looking up at the dark power with fear.

He remembers when they found out that Elly was growing. She was growing to fit Danny's age and height. The three of them would look like triplets. He also remembers he and Robin grabbing Elly, lifting her up. And he remembers that he and Robin caught Beast Boy looking at Elly with a smile on his face. The brothers could tell that he had a crush on Elly. He and Robin had cornered Beast Boy and told him that he could date their sister, but if he hurt her that they would make him regret it.

And Robin, he was looking up at the dark power with a look at hatred. Danny could feel Robin's hatred towards Dark Dan. Trust Dark Dan to ruin everything at the last second. Robin was worried too, holding Elly against him. He was holding Danny's hand as well. Danny could feel Robin's handshaking.

Danny looked back at the dark power. It was coming closer. How was he supposed to figure out a way to stop the dark power from destroying Earth?! A power that was so negative!

Danny halted his thoughts as he suddenly remembered Clockworks words.

"You may think that the power is stronger than you, but it isn't. To destroy negative power, it must meet an equal positive power. You'll know what to do when it's time."

"Of course," Danny said out loud. Everyone looked at him.

"What," Batman asked, not liking the look on Danny's face. To tell you the truth, no one did. Elly and Robin as well. Robin especially since he could feel realization from his brother. Elly, well, she grabbed Danny's other hand.

"I always thought Dark Dan was stronger than me but was actually my fear making me weak when I first fought him. I'm equal in power with him. Dark Dan is negative power while I'm positive power. Sometimes to destroy negative power, it must meet an equal positive power."

Danny looked at everyone, "I'm the only one who is equal power to Dark's Dan negative power. I'm the only one who can stop the dark power from destroying Earth."

"But it has echo-radium mixed inside it! Echo-radium is dangerous against us ghost! You have a high risk of dying," Jay said out loud, letting everyone within earshot to hear. (Did you guys forget that the other Ghosts are here as well?)

Danny stayed silent, confirming Jay's words. Robin and Elly grabbed their brother.

"No! There has to be another way," Elly yelled, clutching Danny's suit.

"Elly's right! There has to be another way," Robin shouted. Robin looked his brother in the eye.

"Please brother. There has to be another way," Robin begged, letting his worry and fear wash over to his brother.

But Robin was suddenly filled with fear when he felt his brother's emotions. His resolve to not back down. Robin realized with horror that Danny was going to do it no matter what. His horror showed on his face, and since the Justice League and Young Justice both knew that Robin and Danny could feel each other's emotions, they knew it couldn't be good.

Danny glanced up to see that the dark power has gone past the atmosphere. Danny looks back at his brother and smiles sadly.

"I'm sorry," he said. Everyone's eyes widen, realizing what he was about to do.

"But there is no other way," Danny said.

Danny phases out of his sibling's grips and flys up to the dark power. Danny ignores his family's and friends cry to come back.

Maybe there is another way Danny thought.

When he was close enough, Danny puts up multiple shields. Like, shield-after-shield. But the dark power just starts to eat through then all. Danny yells out and makes more shields for more time and to slow it down.

But the dark power still eats through the shields and is still going fast.

There isn't another way! Danny shouts in his mind. Danny turns his back and palms to the energy ball, facing everyone on the ground. He looks down on Earth.

I'm not going to let anyone die because of this Danny thought.

And even though he knew they couldn't see, Danny smiled. He let his hands drop to his sides, stopping the shield-after-shield wave. The dark power starts eating through his shield at a rapid pace.

Danny closes his eyes with a smile on his face. Before the dark power could hit him, however, Danny opened his eyes. They were no longer neon toxic green, but a glowing white.

The dark power engulfs Danny and continues to head towards Earth.

"No," almost everyone from the Justice League and Young Justice shouted. Those who didn't gasped. Batman, Elly, and Robin were the only ones who yelled, "DANNY!"

(There this chapters names. Told you guys the title of the chapter foreshadowed something was going to happen)

A white light suddenly comes from the middle of the dark power. It spreads thought-out the entire dark power consuming it. Then it explodes.

"Danny," Robin yelled. Everyone looked away. Robin covered his and Elly eyes while Batman held both of them to his chest.

When the white light faded, everyone looked up at the sky.

They could all see Danny's figure falling from the sky.


Me: *Peeks out from behind the door of the bunker*

I know that some of you have questions, like these:

Is Danny dead, or is he not?

Is it the end of Danny or another victory for him?

Is there a chance that Danny's still alive?

I had this idea for an awhile now where Danny does this. If you want to know what happens to Danny, then you have to wait till the next chapter. The chapter will be up in two days. I promise!

*Hides back in the bunker and starts typing away*

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