The Prank, The Party, And The Old Friend

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Me: Hey, everyone!

You guys ready to party?

Because these guys are about to get one.

*Grabs party hat and puts it on as balloons fall from above.*

*She laughs and winks at crowd, who all start to party.*


If anyone was looking for the three Halfas, they would not be able to find them.

You see, they had gotten bored. And a bored Halfa is a dangerous one.

Anyway, they had decided to pull a prank on Superboy and Aqualad. And well...

"DANNY! ROBIN! ELLY! YOU THREE BETTER COME OUT OF HIDING AND SHOW YOURSELVES RIGHT NOW," two angry voices screamed. turned out funnier and scarier than the three siblings thought.

It was funny because, well, who wouldn't crack up at the sight of Superboy and Aqualad covered head to toe in glue, glitter, and feathers? The glue being sparkly silver, the glitter being all the colors of the rainbow, and fluffy white feathers. So, picture two human-sized birds that have two arms and legs, with sparkly silver skin that have rainbow glitter on top, and the covering of white feathers.

Yeah, it would be a funny sight to see. And perfect blackmail which the three took pictures of and sent to their friends. (And if I see it on Youtube the way I typed, I'm gonna crack up laughing)

But now it was scary because two very angry Super Heros were looking for them, wanting revenge. And who wouldn't hide from two super angry teens that looked like birds who were underworld bent on getting revenge? (I know I would)

The three in question were hiding in the corner of the training room, in the far top corner of the room, invisible of course.

I was a funny sight to see, three powerful teens hiding from two people they could easily beat. But then again, said two angry teens weren't angry at the time and now that they are, the halfa teens didn't want to know what they could do. And who wouldn't?

And now said three were trying to figure out a way to get out of the mess they got themselves in.

"How about a bargain," Elly whispered, afraid that if she spoke too loud, they would be found. Danny shook his head.

"The only thing that they would want to bargain is giving us a beat down," Danny said.

Robin wasn't paying attention to them, he was instead looking for something to help them get out their mess. His eyes landed on something near the pool and an idea struck him.

Robin turned to his brother and sister. "Distract them." Both turned to them as like he was nuts.

"What," both shouted, forgetting to stay quiet.

"Aqualad! They're in the training room," Superboy's voice called out. The three siblings heads turned towards the doors.

"Look! Just do it! I got an idea," Robin said. Robin flew towards the pool, leaving his brother and sister to do what he asked.

Danny and Elly appeared in front of Superboy and Aqualad just as they entered the room. Danny and Elly laughed nervously, unable to say a word at the two angry teens in front of them. Superboy and Aqualad did one look before saying at the same time, "Where's Robin?"

As to answer, water sprayed on both of the teens, washing them clean of glue, glitter, and feathers.

Once clean, the two formerly angry teens looked at Robin, who was holding a hose in his hands. Robin dropped the hose and smiled nervously.

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