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I walked into the kitchen where Michelle was sitting down at the table having some cereal. She saw me and gave a small smile.

"So, last night, something wasn't it?" I nodded and plopped myself onto a chair next to her. My hands went to cover my face as I slumped down.

"Yeah it was something. I almost had a heart attack." Michelle gave a sympathetic smile in a comforting way.

She got up and started to wash her bowl out. "How are you going to find out what happened and where Carter was?" She asked.

I sighed. "I'm going to call his mother and see if she has anything to say. What if he's cheating on me Michelle?" My voice came out quiet. I heard the water stop and Michelle looked over to me.

"I don't think he would do that to you. Carter might be stupid, but not that stupid." I nodded and stood up to lean on the counter to be closer to Michelle as we talked.

"Then were was he. And why was he all defensive yesterday?" I wanted to know. Michelle shrugged her shoulders. "I'm going to go to Mia's room and get her up." Michelle nodded and I left the room. I walked up the stairs and went into my daughter's room. She was sleeping in her low to the ground bed. I looked around and my eyes landed on a picture of her father and I that was placed next to her bed. I shook my head at the image and walked over to my daughter. I kissed her on the forehead and she stirred from her sleeping spot. Slowly her eyes opened and she looked at me.

"Mommy, where is daddy?" She asked rubbing her eyes." I sighed and sat at the end of her bed.

"Not here." Was all I said

"Why not?" She questioned sitting up. He lip started to quiver. I pulled her into my arms.

I kissed her cheek. "He went to a sleepover."

She nodded and moved off my lap and onto the floor.

I got up and walked over to her dresser. Picking out jeans and a Winnie the Poo shirt I commanded for her to come over so I could dress her. When she was clothed I brushed her hair and put it in pigtails. She smiled up at me when I finished up and I smiled back. She did look a lot like her father. Just thinking of him was making me kind of ticked off. I know he has to be coming home soon though. I heard the front door open. Maybe I was speaking to soon. I grabbed hold of Mia's hand and walked to the top of the stairs to see Carter walking into the house. Oh great.

Mia saw her father and let go of my hand. "Daddy!" She yelled. He looked at her and smiled brightly then his eyes traveled to me and the smile left. It was replaced with guilt.

I cleared my throat and looked down at him with a scowl emitting on my face. "Don't leave the house with her Carter, I need to make a call." He was about to say something when I turned around and went to my room to let Mia go to her father. I walked into my room and grabbed my cell phone off the dresser before sitting down on my bed.

I looked through my cell phones contacts until I found the number. I heard a few rings before someone answered.

"Hello?" Was asked on the other line.

"Hi Lily, its Gracie."

"Oh hey honey. How are you?" I could tell she was smiling on the other end. If she only knew.

"Well I have a question. Where did Carter go when he dropped off Mia?" I asked. There was a pause on the other end of the phone.

"Dear, are you feeling alright?" She questioned.

"Yeah fine, can you answer the question please?" I asked growing inpatient.

"He was with you. He said that your friends couldn't watch Mia and you both wanted a day together for a date. He dropped her off then took you out." I froze. I sighed.

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