Pink Bear

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On the way home to tell everyone about the baby I had a huge smile on my face. I know that Michelle will most likely be the happiest when we give the news to everyone. She has wanted the baby to be a girl for the simple fact that she will be able to spoil her and shop with her for cute girly things. Now we all can stop calling the baby it because we know the name of her. Now it's Saturday and we have classes on Monday. The good thing about college is that we don't have the same classes at the same time. So when the baby comes whoever is home or free will watch the baby. Someone is always home so it will work out fine.

When we got to the house Carter walked over to my side of the car and opened the door for me. I smiled and exited my fat self out of the automobile. I can't wait to get my normal sized body back and be able to move without looking like a whale. As we got into the house I let out a sigh of relief. Now I could relax and stop moving.

"AIDEN, GAVIN" Yelled Carter as I sat down on the couch. The boys came from different doors and into the room. I grinned at them.

"I need some help getting the crib in here. Can you help me move it into the room and set it up?" He asked. They nodded and then left the room to help. I decided to go find Michelle so I made my way into her room on the second floor.

I knocked before entering when she called for me to come in. "Hey Michelle, What's up?"

I walked over to her bed and sat down. "Nothing, just sitting and thinking. What did the doctor say?" She asked now becoming interested in my pregnancy. I smiled and shook my head. "Not telling until we have dinner tonight. But let me tell you I am so happy!" I exclaimed.

"A girl?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"You tell me." I laughed at her face when she glared at me. I never said I was nice. I decided that I was going to just stay in here until the room was done with being moved. We had stopped at another store on the way home and gotten a bigger bed for Carter and I so that the things for the baby would fit in the room. The store was out of the matching changing table for the crib so I'm going back with Carter for it next week.

"I can't wait to find out Gracie, this is going to be amazing to know. Just think a little baby is growing in you right now. That's so weird." She commented picking up a wrestling magazine off the floor. I saw the cover of it and John Cena was plastered on it. That man was sure something.

"I can't wait for it to come." I said saying "it" as to not tell the gender.

"Just think, Auntie Michelle. Nothing sounds better then that."

I laughed not agreeing. "One thing will. Mommy. I can't wait until the baby says that for the first time." She nodded agreeing.

"I think I'm going to take a nap, I'm really tired." She smiled and moved over some more so that I could be more comfortable. I thanked her before lying down and letting sleep consume me.

When I woke up there was no one in the room with me. I decided to get up and look at my room. I walked into the hall and then to my door. Pushing the door open the room looked different. Instead of two twin beds on either side of the room there is a big comfy bed at one corner of the room. Then across in the cover there is a crib that I have fallen in love with. It was definitely a great piece of wood. Walking over to my bed I saw that there is a nice fluffy white comforter. There are also pillows that look great to sleep on. The best thing will be me being able to cuddle next to Carter.

"How do you like it?" I head behind me. I turned back to see Carter standing at the door leaning on the frame. I smiled as he made his was to me. When he got to me he put both of his hands on my stomach and felt for the baby. I placed my hands over his and he looked into my eyes.

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