Guitar Hero Fun

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There was a bang on my door that woke me from my sleep. Why cant people leave me alone when I want sleep? I got up from the bed and then opened the door. Standing there was Michelle and Emma. I forgot they had slept over last night.

"Hey girls come on in." I opened the door wider and let them enter.

The girls plopped onto the bed. "Well thanks for ditching us last night" Michelle complained glaring at me.

"Well sorry, ego boy got on my last nerve. I was really trying to be nice here and then he goes and fucks things up. I am not falling for any of his tricks now." I sat next to them and yawned. Rubbing me eyes from their sleep I forced them to stay open.

"So what did you all do when I left?" I asked.

"Nothing much really. Stayed up for a bit then hit the hay. Carter got his own bed because you left. Lucky douche." Emma told me.

"Douche yes, lucky no. when I get done with him he'll be anything from lucky." I looked over to the window and saw the boys were out there skateboarding. Dummies. Carter was laughing with them all. He like stole my place. That used to be me hanging with the guys but now he's there and I want nothing to do with them.

"I hate this." I muttered sighing.

Michelle looked over to me and patted my back. "Don't worry Gracie things will get better. Think positive."

"Yeah I guess."

"Well I got to get going so ill see you later." Emma stood up and so did Michelle.

"Me too. See ya Grace."

"Bye girls."

As the girls left I went back to looking out the window. There they were still laughing and playing on the skateboards. How I hated that. This guy just comes in and he's all that. I got up from the seat next to my window and walked to my bathroom. Stripping from my clothes I got ready for a shower to calm my nerves, when the water got to the right temperature I jumped in and enjoyed a relaxing shower. After fifteen minuets was done and got out. I walked to my room and looked thorough my closet. Deciding on jeans and a tee shirt that said naughty I dressed to not impress anyone. Who was there to impress anyway? Maybe I could go hang out with Gavin today? That would be fun. He's nothing like his dumb butt brother.

I decided to go downstairs and have a bowl of cereal for breakfast. When I got there I walked over to the fridge and got out the milk then went to the cabinet to get the box of cookie crunch. Yummm.

I sat down on a stool and poured everything then someone cam into the room. One guess. Yup Carter.

"You might want to watch what you eat. It will got straight to your thighs and make them bigger then they already are." I dropped my spoon. What. The. Fuck!

"Watch your fucking mouth!" I stood up and walked over to him with the bowl in my hands. I then proceeded to but the bowl over his head and slowly pour it onto him.

"Sorry, it slipped." I gritted out. The smirk on his face dissolved and took over with a pissed face. He pushed me into a wall and held me there by my hips.

"Get your hands off me!" I shrieked. Why is no one coming into help me.

"Watch your self Gracie. I bite...hard." He whispered and it sent chills down my spine. I brought my hand up and slapped him across the face.

"Well so do I." We heard the front door open and Carter let me go immediately. Without a word to the boys he left the house with an angry face. About five seconds later I heard tires screeching. I hope he gets in an accident! Again.

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