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It's been another week since looking at the house. We decided that we are going to be moving into it when were all ready and get it fixed up a little. I'm about a month pregnant now and so I only have eight more months until the baby comes. I went to the doctor the other day and she said everything was looking fine. Thank god. Carter went with me and held my hand through the procedure. The Gage family has still been great. Today were all supposed to meet with my family about living situations. Oh and It's my birthday today. I turn eighteen so even if my parents want me back they can't have me. I think that's what they want to get, me. I won't go though. Aiden is moving out today also, same birthday, and he says he can't stand living there anymore. I really don't blame him at all. If I was him I would have killed myself living there during this time. I can just imagine how there acting after hearing my news.

Nothing is planed for my birthday; I just want to spend it with my close friends. So after lunch with the two family's I'm going to dinner with everyone, even the boys I haven't seen in a little. I really don't want to go to lunch with my mom and dad. I think that it could get pretty ugly.

Now I'm lying in my bed and so I decided to get up and take my shower. I have to leave soon anyway. I got up and walked out of the room and across the hall, into the bathroom. After I locked the door I took off my clothes and entered the huge shower. The water was on a nice warm temperature and it calmed my nerves. I scrubbed the raspberry shampoo into my hair. Then I did the same with some conditioner. When I finished the shower I decided that I was going to scrunch my hair. After wrapping a towel around me I left the bathroom and went back to Carters room. I dried my self and went to my bag and pulled out nice fitting dark jeans. Then I got a black shirt with hot pink guitars all over it. I walked over to the mirror and checked myself. Everything looks good. Picking up some gel I squirted it in my hand and scrunched it into my hair. When I was finished I think it looked fine. Next I applied light blush and lip-gloss with eyeliner. Squirting myself Ralf Lauren I was done.

"Hey Gracie are you ready to go?" Asked Mr. Gage knocking on the door.

"Yeah, who's going?" I asked not knowing if Carter and Gavin were coming along with my brother.

"All of us, even the kids. Are you going to be okay?" He asked. I nodded looking a little worried. "Well if anything gets to hectic kick my leg and I'll make up something to get out of there." He smiled. I laughed and nodded again.

"That would be great. Thanks."

"No problem. Come on lets get this show on the road." I followed Mr. Gage downstairs where I saw the family standing. We were all going to go to Fridays. It's a nice restaurant that I enjoy going to.

We got into the family car and headed off. We were going to meet my family at the place and that was fine with me.

"Gracie happy birthday." Carter whispered into my ear from next to me. I smiled and kissed his cheek quickly.

"Thank you." I giggled like a school girl. What the hell? Where did that come from?

The romantic moment ended when Gavin decided to be Gavin. "Happy Birthday young one!" He yelled causing his father to swerve.

"Gavin! Self control!" He yelled then smiled at me. "Happy birthday." He and his wife said with nice smiles. I nodded my head thanking them and hid a laugh from Gavin's outburst.

"I was just showing some appreciation there. And we have presents for you later, you will have to wait until dinner though." Gavin told me leaning on the seat.

"You guys don't have too give me anything." I said thinking that what they have done is enough.

"Nonsense." Mrs. Gage told me smiling. "We wanted to. It's only once you become an adult." They were too much, all they have done for me and they just keep giving. There crazy, in a good way.

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