Calla's POV

Eli smiles at me, "Hey Carmelina. I heard what happened down there. Want to talk about it?"

I sigh, "It was my mate and alpha instincts taking over... I don't like when people talk bad about my mate or say I cant do something with her."

She nods and walks me to my room, "What is it like being an Alpha? If I may ask."

I laugh, "You can ask... Come in." She smiles and walks into my room... Its really pretty. Black silk comforter and sheets, walk in closet filled with clothes and shoes, a vanity mirror, a makeup and hair station, a black rug, a build in bathroom with jets in the tub, then a row of fluffy towels and satin bath robs. This is definitely nice. Then there is a flat screen TV in a sitting area with chairs and couches.

Eli takes a seat on one of the white chairs and motions me over.

I grin, "This room is amazing."

She laughs, "My mother loves to decorate, sometimes she goes over the top."

I shake my head, "Its not over the top, its perfect. Hera did an amazing job... the dark theme of the room really suits me."

Eli giggles, "It does, but I don't think she planned it."

I nod, "Now back to your question... Being Alpha of the biggest pack in the world if definitely stressful. We get attacked regularly. So I gotta be ready for a fight, which I always am. My whole pack looks up to me while is now about over 700 people, maybe 1000. I have to sceduale a lot of the pack meetings, shifts doing runs around the perimeter, guarding the pack house and everything. And don't get me started on the gossip..."

Eli frowns, "That does seem harder then I thought. Do you have to train?"

I laugh, "There is a sceduale everyday of who has training at which time of the day... every single pack member does training every other day, but if your a warrior then you train every day. I do personal training with Jasper, my second in command since I have different abilities... I cant shift so It would be useless for me to learn about how to fight wolves in wolf form. You know what I mean?"

She nods, "It only makes sense. When did you first figure out you were faye?"

I sigh, "A couple weeks ago when I thought I had two mates, Jace and Holden... you don't know them. But when I first moved here they thought I was their mate. So they brought me to Jasper, He is an elder, he could read other peoples abilities If they had any. So they brought me there to see if I had any special abilities sine they thought I had two mates. He read my correctly obviously, he told me I was a faye."

Eli grins, "Two mates? That's crazy..."

I laugh, "It got crazier... Jasper thought he was my mate too. I had three mates for a while... till I met Luke, he was the Alpha of the Dark Dawning Pack, but when he thought he was my mate he came to my pack. You see my 'true' mate cant be effected by my succbus, cause I can pick who ever I want to mate if I want a mate."

She nodded, "Continue! This is like gossip girl!"

I roll my eyes, "That's what I always say. So Jasper, Holden and Jace felt the sparks because I could PICK anyone to be mine. Luke wasn't effect by my succubus, so he was my 'true' mate so I left Jasper, Jace and Holden. Jasper obviously stayed my friend, Jace left my pack and Holden stopped talking to me. Anyways... Then Harmony came to my pack to visit and see how things are run by a female Alpha that's not even a wolf, with her family and her dad was the Alpha... so he asked me if they could come. When I kissed Harmony I tried to make my succubus work to prove she wasn't my mate, but it didn't effect her. So I spent more time with her and I realized I felt more complete with Harmony then Luke... so I picked Harmony."

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