“Come again?”

“What?” Neha and I stared at the girl in front of us. I don’t know about Neha but I heard something about marriage. Wait...hold up, pause and rewind. “You’re getting married!”

Hafsa nodded her head vigorously, smiling from ear to ear. By now Neha and I had crushed her with hugs and the sound of the TV was overpowered by our squeals and congratulations.

“Guys...I can’t breathe!”

When we’d finally released her; the questions began. Who’s the unlucky man? How did you meet? What does he look like? Do we know him? Are you excited?

Then came the big question... “When’s the walimah?” and that’s how we spent the rest of our night; planning and gushing over every little thing we planned.

Neha and I were excited for Hafsa, very excited. It was always her dream to get married and now that it’s happening; I couldn’t be happier for her. A blind man would be able to see just how happy she was with her life at the moment.


                                               I was tired, to say the least, and when my phone’s ringtone filled the sweet silence of my bedroom...I was annoyed. We’d slept way past midnight last night and since I like to have at least 7 hours of sleep, I wasn’t happy with the stupid phone call I was receiving at this time.

“There better be a good reason as to why you have just interrupted me from my very beautiful sleep,” I huffed into the phone, not bothering to see who it was. It was too early...well; at least that’s what I think.

“There better be a good reason as to why you’re still not at work.”

“I was sleeping, I think that’s a good enough reason,” I think it’s safe to say I am not a morning person. Never have been, never will be.

“Think about how you talk to me Isra Ali Kamil,” he growled.

“Listen, don’t disturb me from my sleep just to moan at me,” I spoke. “And besides... I am in no mood to think properly; it’s too early in the morning and I still need a few hours of sleep. So if you’ll excuse me, goodnight.”

“It’s 12.p.m,” he stated. “If you don’t ge-”

“Goodnight sir,” and with that, I hung up and put my phone on silent – I do not need any distractions. Burying myself under the inviting duvet; I let sleep take over.

When I had woken up, I felt slightly less exhausted but it’s safe to say that I will never stay up so late especially if I had work the next morning. Speaking of work... if I don’t get fired then I’m going to be given an extra hard time, for sure. I mean, after the way I had spoken to the man, he was going to have my head. He had sent me a text, after several calls which I didn’t answer, telling me that I had to go over the office. Now, put yourself in my shoes...

The devil had said that I was no longer working there but at his house, he works at the office meaning he’s telling me to go and see him. Translation = I’m a goner.

I didn’t even get to see my cousin or sister when I’d woken up because those two losers decided to go out and leave me all alone.

I found sir pacing in his office, an angry scowl on his face. His jacket was flung on the couch, the first few buttons of his shirt undone and his fingers furiously ran through his hair every now and then. I stood frozen for a moment. Not knowing whether I should make a run for it or face the devil himself. Clearly my feet didn’t correspond with my mind because they chose the latter and dragged me inside the room.

I must’ve startled him for he looked slightly ever so shocked and his pacing came to a stop. I know I was going to get yelled at and he had every right to yell. I mean looking back at it; I was rude towards him on the phone call earlier. Sure, he’s always rude to me but that didn’t mean give me a free pass to act the way I did. Using all the courage that I had in me, I took a deep breath and before he could speak, I beat him to it.

“I apologise,” my eyes found their way to my shoes. “I...shouldn’t have spoken the way I did and so for that, I’m truly sorry if I’ve hurt you in any way and... I don’t know how I’ll be able to gain forgiveness but I just hope you know that I really am sorry.”

Biting on my lip, I finally looked up. He was staring at me with so much intensity that I thought it would pierce through me. He continued looking into my eyes as if searching to see if I was telling the truth.

“Do you think that you can talk like a b**** to me, say sorry and it’ll be alright?” Apparently there was no truth in my eyes. “Stop trying to flatter me because it won’t work. And as for my forgiveness, you don’t have it. You’re not even worthy of the paycheque that I sign for you so what makes you think that you’re worthy of my forgiveness? Next time you think about running your mouth like that, think about who you are compared to me Isra Ali Kamil.”

His voice was threatening and clearly angry at me. I flinched slightly at his words; this man really has no heart. Gosh, I know what I done was slightly rude but what’s wrong about me realising my mistakes and trying to apologise for my actions? It angered me that he had completely brushed off my apologies and then had the audacity to speak the way he did. Why is it that he can speak whatever way he wants to me but when I do it... it’s not okay for him? I was also angry at myself I mean, what did I expect? That he would forgive and forget? Yeah right, clearly I hadn’t got enough hours of sleep.

“I know that the way I acted was wrong...but I’m human...and I’m admitting to my mistakes and apologising for them because I am no greater than you and vice versa. Sir your money and status doesn’t make you any greater than I am, or anyone else for that matter. I am in no way trying to flatter you but you’re the one flattering yourself.”

“Are you done?”

“Am I-yes, yes I am,” I didn’t spare him any time to say anything else as I turned on my heel and made my way out. Unbelievable, he’s absolutely unbelievable. Lord knows how long I’ll be able to last working for him before I genuinely give up and quit or simply get fired. 


If you're commenting, can you take a minute to leave me any feedback if you want because...well, I could really use it.

ummm, I think that's all

comment,vote and yada yada yada! Do whatchooo wanna dooooooo


I really need sleeeeep



-Mayaaa x

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