chapter 9

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I sat up from the cold wooden floor. It was better then the ground. The sun shines on my eyes. Everyone was up, talking to each other. Except Thomas. He was looking out the window.

"Hey Y/n, glad you're awake and not dead." Chelsea said smirking. Jess and Ethan smiled at me. I smiled back. Paige looked over at me, smiling. She was talking to Ava like she wouldn't be able to talk again.

"Are the zombies gone?" I asked while getting up. "Ya, there is still a few of them outside, but we can kill them." Ethan said. "We should get some food. Is there food nearby?" Jess asked. "You're always hungry, aren't ya?" Paige said, laughing. "You know it." Jess said back. "There is a store nearby, acutally." Ava said.Ok then, let's go." Jess said. "But what about the zombies?" I asked. "I vote we use Paige as bait for the zombies." Thomas said, looking away from the window. "Ha.ha.ha very FUNNY." Paige said sarcastically.

"I'll take care of it." Chelsea said before grabbing her gun. She climbed down the ladder.

We heard gunshots, zombies groaning, and hearing blood splatter. In the next 30 seconds, we saw Chelsea up the ladder with a little bit of blood on her. "Ok, lets go." Chelsea said before climbing down.

Once we got down, we saw all of the zombies dead. " 30 seconds.That's a new record, Chelsea." Ava said smiling. We continue in the woods, looking for the store.

"Found it." I said, walking towards the grocery store. It was a decent size. "Ok, lets go." I said, walking in with the group.

We all walked in together. We've all seen those movies where if they split up, things went down hill. And this place was next to a city too.

We grabbed all kinds of things. Beans, fruit, chips, cans of tuna, anything we could get. We walked down isle after isle. Ethan looked at me smiling. I smiled back, probably looking like an idiot.

Thomas looked at us and made kissing noises. Ethan and I both blushed. Did I have a crush on Ethan too?

My thoughts were interrupted by a scream. We all whipped our heads around. We saw a man screaming while running right at us. He looked like he was in his forties. He looked like crazy. We got our guns and knives out.

But the man skidded to a stop. He laughed insanely. "Run quickly, they bit me- HAHAHAHA" He laughed insanely."What's your name?" Paige asked. "MY NAMES JOE." He said before lauging again. He was crazy, and he was bit. Suddenly doors burst open, so many zombies came out. "I'm gonna kill ya. KILL YA." He said.

He looked over at me. He was going to grab me, before Thomas kicked him towards the zombies. "HAHAHA!" Were his last words before the zombies got him.

We quickly ran out of the grocery store. The last thing we saw was the man named Joe, was screaming. His guts were gushing to the floor. He jad a look of terror in his eyes, like he wasn't fully crazy yet.

The zombies followed us. We ran and ran, farther away from the tree house. We ran towards the city. More and more zombies came out of hidden places. Soon enough there were about more then 100 zombies after us.

Suddenly we ran and ran. Until we saw a big building. We ran towards it. We ran in there, and Jess closed the door before locking it. "Those doors won't last long, we'd better try and get to a higher floor.

We looked around the place. It was a lab. We decided to go onto the next floor.

Once we got up there, we saw another floor of the lab. Blood was splattered on the mirrors and windows. We saw dead bodies on the ground. We walked up to the windows. It had a dead zombie strapped to a board. Almost as if it was being, experimented on.

"Step away from the window." A voice said.

Thank you guys so much for 100 READS. THANK YOU. Tell me who you want to go down? Sooner or later I will have a Q/A. Which means you ask a question and I will answer it. And to make it more fun, I will then ask you a question. Again thank you so much. I am very thankful for your support.

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