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"Oh, what in Neptune's rings is this?" Anthrax exclaimed entering the ward with Zidin.

Sarin woke with a start, looking around for the source of the yell. Kita and Snowy had been sleeping hard and woke up slower.

"What, what's the matter?" Kita asked looking up at Sarin.

Anthrax yelled at them, "What's the matter? What the hell are you three doing? Why didn't you alert someone that you're awake? I should have known putting you three in a room together was a bad idea. I wouldn't have guessed sex would the first things on your minds. I would have guessed you'd go looking for some poor soul and slaughtering them."

"Now wait a second," Sarin snapped. "Neither one of those is fair. They woke up, and everyone was down in the tube, including you. I can't believe you actually think anyone of us has the energy or feels well enough for sex. It's been weeks since we saw each other and all they did was wake up, talk for a bit, and go back to sleep. What's matter if we sleep in separates bed or stars forbid with each other for once."

"Ok, that's enough," Zidin barked.

Kita had been slowly waking up trying to follow the yelling match, but was brought fully awake by Zidin's voice.

"Zidin?" She called quietly looking for him, the large robot not registering in her mind.

"Right her, Kita." Zidin waved at her.

"What? What happened to you? Wow...You look amazing." Kita said trying to retain her breath.

"Thank you. Megan is what happened. She was able to extract my mind from my decaying body and put into this body."

"It's incredible. Kind of like those cartoons Tina and Katie watch," said Snowy.

"I've missed you," Kita said choking up. She climbed out of bed and wobbled over to give him a hug.

"I've missed you. I was very distraught to hear you were gravely ill," he said gently hugging her back. Kita's legs gave out, and he gracefully caught her.

"Think we should put you back with your, ah, girls," he told her as he laid her back on the bed next to Sarin.

"Yeah, I'm not quite back to myself yet. But I understand I owe you my life, Nell," Kita said sincerely.

"Just doing my duty," she said harshly.

"What's wrong, Nell?" said Snowy softly.

"You'd get a shorter list of you asked what's right. But since you're all awake I have something to tell you." She went to the door and locked it.

"Nell, what are you doing?" said Sarin.

"I was originally just going to tell this to Kita and let her deal with it, but since you're all here and it involves each of you, you might as well hear it." Anthrax looked each of them in the eye. "After we return to Roost and you're safely passed off to Harper and his team, I'm leaving for good," her voice sounding very hard and determined.

"Why?" Kita said trying to keep her voice calm, but wavering into panic.

Snowy's mouth opened and closed, looking shocked.

"Nell, why?" said Sarin.

"What do you mean why?" Anthrax said in a harsh tone. "You of all people should know why. Are you really that wrapped up in yourself and War not to see what you've done?"

"What has she done that's so bad? What have we done?" said Kita.

"Seriously, Kita? You slaughtered thousands for your own amusement and justified it by saying they were just your enemies. It wasn't even real combat. You slaughtered them, mutilated them, and dishonored them. You've tortured men for information we could have gotten easier ways. You just did it for your own sick pleasures. I'm tired of watching you treat this world, these soldiers, and these people like your personal playthings. You don't care about the innocent. You only use them to justify your own actions. You've seduced hundreds of thousands into some sick delusion that you're actually a good and great person. Your bloodlust sickens me and I won't be a part of it anymore."

Return of the Fallen Angel: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now