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Snowy and Sarin watched Kita come down the line of firing positions. Hidden in a crack between two distant firing positions they waited for Kita to pass.

"Kita," Snowy whispered and stepped out of the crack when Kita came close.

Kita turned around and her eyes lit when she Snowy.

"Snowy!" Kita exclaimed and bound over to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Oh, I've missed you so much. I didn't expect to see you."

"We need to talk to you," Sarin said firmly materializing next to Snowy.

"Of course. One minute. Assault private One One Two Alpha Xray," Kita called down the line. A man in a Red Legion uniform jumped up from his position and ran to Kita. Planting himself in front of her at ramrod straight attention, he gave her an openhanded salute. Kita continued, "Will you go get Assault Colonel Delta Seven and Assault Sergeant Major Four Eight Fox."

"Yes Commander," the private turned and ran off.

"I'm so glad to see you to Jane. I've missed you. I'm so happy you both came and found me." Kita said excitedly.

Sarin and Snowy traded glances. "We're happy to see you to, babe. I'm glad you're ok."

"Well thanks. I wasn't ever in any danger." Kita laughed.

Two men hurried to Kita and saluted. Kita returned the salute and put them at ease. Both men went to a stiff parade rest. Kita smiled sheepishly and gave them the rest command. They relaxed to an informal stance, still maintaining a stiff posture.

"Colonel Delta Seven, Sergeant Major Four Eight Fox, I would like to introduce you to Commander Snowy," both men snapped to attention and saluted. Snowy returned it uneasily.

"She's the commander of the combined armies of Arcone and the Black Legion. She is also my second in command. This is Lady Sarin. She's my industrial specialist and the world's greatest sniper." Both men gave Sarin a formal nod and a handshake. "I need to go have a private talk with them. While I'm gone make sure the men maintain their firing positions. If for some reason we're attacked I do not want them to return fire unless they are intimate danger. If they must fire, they are to lay down suppressive fire unless they have no option. Understood?"

"Yes, Commander," they answered in unison.

"Good. We shouldn't be gone long. If for some reason you need me just yell up the hill. Dismissed."

Both men came to attention, saluted, and ran back down the line.

Kita reached out and touched Sarin and Snowy. "Now where should we go?" Kita mussed as she phased them to a crag high above Kita's men. Kita playfully walked to the edge and looked over.

"It's a long way down." She turned to face the others. She smiled at them happily and jumped backwards off the ledge in a reverse swan dive.

"KITA!" Sarin and Snowy screamed. Running to the edge, Snowy dropped to her knees to look over while Sarin started to leap after Kita.

Sarin nearly collided with Kita as she rose above the crag. Angrily Sarin grabbed Kita and pulled her back onto the rock.

"What was that all about?" Sarin screamed at Kita.

"What's wrong? I've done it before. What are you worried about?" Kita said with a smile.

"Last time you were trying to kill yourself and this time I'm not in a position to save you," said Snowy trying to get her heart under control.

Kita giggled. "Oh, you do remember. But this time I have wings."

"Doesn't mean you have to use them," said Sarin.

Return of the Fallen Angel: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now