S1-43 | Justice Awaits

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The first thing I felt the moment I returned to consciousness was the warm breeze caressing my arms. The softness of the mattress gave me comfort, the plush blanket draped over me gave me a sense of protection.

I was safe.

My eyes fluttered opened. The bright light made me blink several times to adjust to my surroundings. I glanced at the familiar crimson ceiling and felt relief washed over me as soon as I realized where I am.


I am finally home.

My eyes burned as I glanced around my room. Greedily, I took the familiar sight of my very own safe haven, taking my fill until it felt like my heart was going to burst with happiness.

I was saved.

"Welcome back dear." A disembodied voice said from my right. I glanced at the person who spoke and found a middle age woman smiling at me from where she sat in a chair in the far corner of the room.

I knew her. I strained to recall who she was as she walked over to sit on a chair near my bed.


I abruptly sat up in bed. She was the seer who talk with Roarke and I on the day of Ella's wedding. On the day when I was -

My train of thought ended abruptly, as if there was an invisible wall in my head that was suppressing my memory from that moment on. My head hurt as I tried to recall more. I stiffened as I felt warm hands enclosed mine. I looked at Elijah in wonder as the pain in my head eased and I was rewarded with a relaxing feeling emanating from her.

"Don't try to remember. Roarke locked them all away for you." She explained gently. I faintly remembered Roarke telling me the same after he bit me when the memories threatened to consume me to oblivion.

I felt myself relaxing more as I stared to her eyes.

"But, there is one memory I wanted you to remember." She started, her eyes seemingly turning sharper in color until it glowed golden. I was pulled into her more until I was swirling in darkness.

I blinked as we were seemingly transported in a dark void of nothingness.

"Remember her Honey." Elijah's voice seemed distant even though she was just in front of me. I frowned and concentrate more on her words.

"Remember the woman. That crimson pool of hate and pain. Remember her."

A bright light engulfed us and when I opened my eyes again, we were standing in a vast field. I glanced around. The field seemed to stretched as far as I could see.

"W-where are we?" I asked, feeling lost and yet the place felt so familiar.

Elijah didn't say a word and looked on. I followed where she was looking and gasped. Not far away from us, there was a person standing there. The area around her was covered with dead grass and wilted flowers as if life near her was non-existent. Her white dress was dripping with blood and her legs where shackled by dark chains that dug deep underground. Slowly her head turned to me.

I froze.

That person was me.

It felt like being attack with a mirage of rocks. Memories after memories of me floating in the dark oblivion and the insanity I wallowed before threatened to consume me. It was Elijah's voice and presence that anchored me to reality.

"That is enough."

I blinked and we were back in my room. I gasped for breath and look wide-eyed at her. Elijah looked grim and serious.

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