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Rose's POV:
"Then you'd be right." Said Amethyst bluntly, putting her arm around Peridot whilst we all sat there, totally dumbstruck.
"Oh" I breath, so quietly I'm not even sure if I made a sound, I was just trying not to look too shocked.
"So.... I was right?" Asks Sapphire quietly, as if even she was surprised by the turn of events.
"Yes." Nods Peridot, waiting for Lapis and me to give our opinions, this won't happen because right now my throat feels as if it's in my stomach.
"I'm gonna... Go.... Breath.." mutters Lapis before getting up and walking, as if in a daze, towards the exit, almost bumping into a table as she did so.
"That's what you stayed back to talk about?" I question after regaining the use of my vocal cords.
"Yep" replies Amethyst, looking more apprehensive and biting her lip, she was noticeably worried that we wouldn't accept this.
"I for one think this is great! Two best friends being able to have a romantic relationship, really proves it's possible. Right Rose?" Announces Pearl loudly, not seeming to care about their relationship but about our's, she's been very unthoughtful recently. Ever since she met Greg.
8:02 pm that night:
"Why were you like that?!" I yell, still barely believing how untactful Pearl's previous words had been and wishing she'd just get over the Greg scenario. She isn't part of our relationship and truthfully I'm sick of her acting like she is. Like she gets to decide who's good enough for me. I love Pearl and if she had an opinion about Greg based on something that wasn't envy, I'd be pleased by her opinion but it's not, she's just jealous.
"All I said was that I think their relationship is a good idea!" Says Pearl, her hand on her head as if she'd gotten a headache from me shouting at her. If she didn't want a headache then she should have chosen her words better. And not been a total b****.
"What happened to you Pearl? Why do you suddenly have to make everything about you? Amethyst and Peridot told us something about their relationship, yet you felt the need to make it about our's!" I rant, wishing I didn't have to argue with my best friend but I truly think I have no other option.
"I'm sorry. Alright? Happy now? I just... What do you see in... In Greg?" She asks, changing the topic, as if her being jealous was an excuse for doing mean things. It's not.
"He isn't part of this! You are, and you have been acting like an idiot, and you insulted our friends' relationship with petty envy! You don't get forgiven immediately without so much as a proper apology simply because you're sad! I'm sorry Pearl, that's how the world works." I say, also beginning to get a headache and ready to just go to sleep. Arguing is exhausting.

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