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Amethyst's POV:
It's New Year's Eve! 10 O'clock sharp and I'm ready for midnight, I've got a plan laid out for how I'm going to start of the New Year, a good old resolution! I'm going to eat healthily... In my dreams! Ah well, I do get to spend midnight with my best friends though, and that will be great.
"Pearl, how many times do I have to say this? I'm with Greg and so I can't kiss you at midnight like usual" mutters Rose to Pearl, trying to be understanding of Pearl's feelings but just enraging her instead.
"I thought we had a promise! For years now you've kissed me at midnight, not some 3rd rate rockstar!" Squawks Pearl in response, not even trying to keep her voice down.
"And I thought you understood that that wasn't because of romantic interest! When were 11 you kissed me on New Year's because my boyfriend broke up with me, and we have done it every year since. I told you back then that we didn't have to, that I didn't like you in that way, but you insisted!" Hisses Rose, finally losing her temper. Pearl seems taken aback, Rose barely ever loses her temper with us, she stumbles backwards a few steps until she's up against the lockers and, staring awestruck at Rose, she walks back down the dimly lit corridor.
"Wait... Oh.. I was" says Rose, realising what she had said and thinking it too harsh, she looks at me but I don't think she's expecting a response and so I wander back to my room, hoping to avoid any other drama along the journey. I have a new old dorm, since Jasper and Lapis are out, I'm bunking with P-Dot as to keep her company and, well, help her out. She's kind of, I mean very, embarrassed that she currently can't do certain things on her own,so I thought it'd be easier if I stayed with her so I could help out. When I reach our room Peri is sat on her bed, laptop in hand and typing.... Something.
"What's up, P-Dot?" I ask, glancing at her screen as I pass, but she closes the lid abruptly when she sees me enter.
"Umm, I'm doing.... Homework..." She lies blatantly, now leaning on her closed laptop and feigning innocence.
"You realise I could easily take your laptop? You know, and then look through everything on it..." I threaten jokingly, but she doesn't seem to realise that and clasps it to her chest.
"Fine, I was writing a..... Fanfiction, alright?" She admits with an adorable blush that I just can't help laughing at.
"It's Camp Pining Hearts isn't it, Percy and Pierre?" I guess correctly.
"Though I honestly don't see what you do in that show, and it seems like more people ship Percy and Paulette" I say, to a death stare from Peri.
"First of all, you must like CPH because you watched every season, even 5, with me. Secondly, Paulette has no place in the camp's hierarchy and third of all: just because Percette has more supporters, doesn't mean it has more evidence." She explains passionately before opening up her laptop and showing me a probability graph of each character's likelihood to end up with one another.
"This can't be accurate" I scoff.
"Why not!?" She asks, seemingly oblivious.
"Cos you put Percierre at 3000% certain!" I tell her, pointing at the screen.
"It's a very close figure, if you count the fan art as evidence!" She retaliates, looking over her glasses at me.
"I don't" I reply, firm but kind, letting all of her hopes and dreams fade away slowly.
".... Oh...." She mutters sadly, bowing her head.
"Wait! No.... It was a joke, don't get all pouty on me Peridot!" I say, worried I somehow actually upset her.
"Ha, I'm not pouty, you are!" She smiles, she's getting better at lying.
"Awww, come on!.... Wait, what time is it?!" I stutter, realising I'd gotten too rapped up in fanfictions and had lost track of time.
"It's 11:56, why?... Oh damn, we're late!" She realises, turning pale.
"We were meant to meet everyone 20 minutes ago, there's no way we can get from here to the main hall before midnight!" I cry, worried we were about to miss the transition from 2016 to 2017.
"Well what are we gonna do? Cos heads up Ams, it's now 11:58, almost 59!" Peridot asks validly. We just kind of wait a good minute, staring at each other, waiting for one of us to sort this mess out. That's when I hear the fireworks, crashing and banging, like my eardrums are being beaten with massive clubs. And then, in a moment of absolutely no reason, I kiss her. Like properly, our lips meeting in the middle, excitement buzzing around us, at first she's surprised and almost pulls away, but she doesn't. Instead, after about 10 seconds of kissing, we break apart naturally​ and, she stares at me, wide eyed and shaking. And then she kisses me. Peridot kisses me.

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