Chapter One

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"Are you ready for today, Hanabi?" Hinata asked her little sister, while fixing the tie she had to wear for her stupid school uniform, "I hate this damn tie." She mumbled, making Hinata laugh a little. "No, it looks cute." Hanabi rolled her eyes. "Why don't you guys have to wear uniforms?" Smiling, she leaned down and kissed her forehead, "Stop complaining."

"Hurry up you two!" Their cousin Neji yelled loudly from his car that sat parked in the driveway. Hinata rolled her beautiful eyes while closing the front door of their home, "He's so impatient." She mumbled, making her little sister giggle, and nod in agreement before throwing on her backpack. They walked to his luxurious car as music blasted from the speakers, and their cousin scanned the textbook in his hands, already trying to study for his upcoming test, in a class he hadn't even started yet.

Getting in the passenger side, Hinata turned the music down a few notches, and they drove in a nice silence. "Are you ready for school, Niisan?"
Hanabi asked her cousin, making her smile at him through the rear view mirror, "I guess, how about you, Hanabi?" She shrugged, "I wish we didn't have to transfer, I miss my friends honestly."
Neji glanced at his cousin who stared out of the window, "Well it was for the better, and you'll make new friends." He tried reassuring her as she shrugged and let out a sigh.

They all knew the move was necessary, although it seemed like a nuisance to the child in the backseat. Hinata was grateful for it, although she couldn't stop herself from feeling like such a burden on her family.
  To Hinata, it felt like the reason everything bad ever happened was because of her. It didn't help that the reason they were moving in the first place was because of her. A deep sigh left her lips, as she closed her eyes, trying not to think about her insecurities.
After dropping Hanabi off at the middle school that was down the road from their final destination, Neji asked his cousin, "Are you okay, Hinata? You've been more quite than usual."
"I'm fine." She answered with a soft smile,  even though they both knew it was fake. As he parked his car in his schools parking lot, everyone that stood in the parking lot, stared at them while they stepped out of the car.

Hinata blushed as she became self-conscious, while Neji walked in front of her as if he were her personal bodyguard. They walked to the counselor's center to get their schedules, and Hinata could've jumped with joy as she saw they had the same first period. Like before, when they walked into their homeroom, everyone stared at them. Neji knew it was because they were new, but Hinata took it personal.

Hinata sat in a seat next to Neji, with a longhaired blonde girl to her left. Turning her head slightly, her turquoise eyes looked into Hinata's with curiosity. "I'm Ino, where are you transferring from?" She asked with a polite smile. "Sanu high." Hinata answered, making Ino nod "What's your name?"
"Hinata." Ino continued to smile while complimenting Hinata, "It's nice to meet you Hinata, I must say that your eyes are gorgeous." Hinata blushed while smiling slightly, "T-Thank you, Ino."

The pair made light conversation, before a guy with jet black hair came in. His onyx eyes met Hinata's with curiosity, but he didn't say a word as he sat in front of Ino. Ino glanced at him and said, "Hello, Sasuke." He just nodded in her direction, glancing at Hinata while doing so. Sasuke was obviously curios, even if he wouldn't admit to it.

"This is Hinata, she's from Sanu high." She tried to introduce, but Sasuke only nodded. "It's nice to meet you." Hinata said politely, while Sasuke just mumbled "Hn." Hinata wasn't sure if she should be offended or not, as she saw Neji's eye twitch from the corner of her eye. "And this is her cousin, Neji." Sasuke still didn't say much.
"I'll be your partner." A pink haired girl said, as they did volleyball drills in gym class. Hinata nodded as they found a spot and started passing the ball to each other. "I'm Sakura Haruno, by the way, you are?" She introduced as they took a quick break. "Hinata Hyuga."
Her emerald eyes widened a little at the mention of her last name, but she masked it well. "Hyuga? As in Hiashi Hyuga?" She asked, trying to hide the surprise in her voice.

Hinata nodded, while feeling the blush rush to her face. "Y-Yeah, he's my father." She clarified, making Sakura smile while she blushed herself.
Clearing her throat, in an attempt to be any less awkward she asked her new friend, "So where are you transferring from, Hinata?"

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