Chapter Twenty Eight

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                         Today was the day.
  Sasuke's parents were being buried, alongside his god parents. Instead of crying, and hoping for the assailants to come forward and turn themselves in, for killing his parents.
He, alongside his brother, and Naruto planned on getting their revenge. Itachi knew people, and in no time they found out who the assailants were, because the police were no help. All they wanted to investigate was where they had been, rather than where they were going.
  Being a special agent, Itachi had been working the case for months with their father and he got a hit on the location they usually meet, but since it now involved his parents, Itachi was cut from the case. However, they had all the
information they needed, so tonight they would execute the plan.

Looking at his clock that hung against the wall, he sighed deeply as he saw that it was starting to get closer and closer to the time, he'd have to lay his parents to rest.
He hated everything about funerals. The atmosphere was always too intense, and it was even worse considering the deceased were his parents. Along with that, he felt like a huge burden as Sakura been worried so much about him.
Though he told her not to worry, he was glad that she was so persistent. She didn't leave him alone with his thoughts, and it brought him a sense of comfort.

He smiled slightly, just thinking about how much care she always carried in her beautiful emerald eyes. Almost on cue, a knock sounded to his door, and he saw pink strands of peak through it, soon followed by those eyes.
"Sasuke, we should get going."
Trying to fix his tie he nodded in agreement, "Um okay." Noticing the way he struggled, she walked over and tied it for him.
As she tied it, he stared at her face, just admiring how beautiful she was. "Thank you."
He mumbled to her, smiling at him she said, "It's my pleasure."

"My mom usually does it for me." He said lowly, she smiled sadly. "Mikoto was a great person." He nodded, before kissing her forehead and saying, "Thank you, Sakura. For everything." Smiling a little she said, "Don't thank me. It's my job." Throwing on his suit jacket, they walked out of his bedroom with their hands intertwined.
Looking down the hall, he saw his parents old room. As he looked at the closed door, he suddenly got deja vu.

"Papa! Mama!" Soon they both appeared in front of me with bright smile. "Yes, Sasuke?" My father bent scooped me up in his arms as I held my drawing of them. "I drew this for you!" They gasped as if it was the best painting in the world. "This is perfect, Sasuke! We should put this on the refrigerator, shouldn't we Papa?" My father nodded with a bright smile, "Of course we should."

Shaking his head slightly, he sighed and followed Sakura down the stairs.
"How are you feeling?" She asked him,
"Okay. How are you? Did you get over that stomach bug?" For the last few days, she had been throwing up after every meal and it made him worry. She brushed it off as her anxiety, but Sasuke hoped she wasn't sick.
"I think so, I think it was just from stress."
He nodded, before kissing her forehead.
While they drove to the memorial, everything seemed to get darker in the December sky.

Feeling Sakura's hand on top of his, he looked at her, and felt how her beautiful smile somehow repaired his broken heart.
He looked at her and thought, maybe everything is going to be alright.
Shaking his head, before his tears could fall, he looked back to the road. Truthfully he hated crying, and the last thing he wanted to do was cry in front of Sakura.
Driving the few more minutes to the sight,
he threw on his sunglasses as all of the men who would be carrying the caskets did the same. Sighing, he tried to mentally prepare himself for the burial of his parents.
  "That was such a beautiful ceremony. Mikoto and Kushina looked so beautiful."
People said as he maneuvered through the crowd of people in his house. "I feel so bad for their sons. Sasuke will be fine, but Naruto? Minato was his best friend." He heard someone else say, almost making him snicker. Though they rarely showed it, his father and him had a relatively close bond. Sasuke could come to him for anything, and he would always be judgment free.

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