Chapter Six

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          Sunday Afternoon
"Yesterday was fun, Sakura." Hinata said as Sakura dropped her off at her house,
"Right? We need to do it again."
"Yeah we do, but bye talk to you later."
"Bye girl." She said as she got out of her luxurious car. Walking into the house, everything seemed fine, as she heard laughter coming from the living room.
With a smile, Hinata walked into the room where she saw Neji, TenTen, Hanabi, and ber father. "Hi, Oneesan." Hanabi said while walking toward her sister. As they hugged, her father asked, "Hey, Hinata, how was the sleepover?" A light blush came to her cheeks as she said, "It was fun. TenTen you should've came, we missed you."

"I bet it was, I wish I could've gone, I just ended up getting tied up into some last minute stuff. You look like you had lots of fun."
She said, making Hianta's blush deepen while running her fingers through the hair that covered the bruised side of her neck, where a small bruise had been left by Naruto's lips.
"I did, but I'll see you guys in a moment."
She said before excusing herself, to go find a method that would cover up the hickey.
When she went back downstairs, TenTen had already left. "I have to go in for an emergency call, but I left dinner in the kitchen. Make sure everyone eats enough, love all of you." Her dad said as he rushed out of the house. In his line of work as a defense attorney, he was always running out to tend to, "emergency calls."
"Did he come home sober last night?" She asked Neji, "Yeah he did. I was glad too, because TenTen was over."
"You should've came yesterday, the party was fun."
"We just wanted to watch a movie."
He said and Hinata nodded in understanding, "Are you guys dating?"
"We're just friends for now, but I'm thinking about asking her on a date or something. What about you and that Uzumaki?"

Hinata blushed with a cute giggle leaving when lips, "We're not dating, Neji."
"Good. You're too young."
"You're barely a year older than me, and good? He's a nice guy."
"I guess."
"You haven't even talked to him." Neji shrugged, "No one is good enough for you."
"If anything, I'm not good enough for him."
She said honestly, without meaning to dampen the mood. Neji just sighed. "You're perfect, Hinata. I wish you knew that."
"Your laugh is so cute." Naruto mumbled over the phone in his half asleep voice. They had been talking for three hours, and she knew that he was tired. Hinata tried to hang up, but every time she did he would bring up another topic to engage her. So there she was, laying in an awkward position on her bed, smiling stupidly at her phone. "I think it's ugly."
"It's cute, it's like a little kid's laugh.
Very contagious."
He said, making her smile even bigger, because she could picture his own.
"You're so nice, Naruto."
  "Well thank you, Hinata, I think you're nice too." He said while yawning, "Thank you, Naruto." Hinata said softly, before yawning herself. "Woah, it's late."

Looking at her clock, she saw that it was almost midnight.
"I know, I just wanted to hear your voice, before I fell asleep." For some reason that made her heart flutter a little, before awkwardly laughing a little, "Really? Why me?"
"I just like listening to you talk. Rather you're rambling or not. I don't know why, but you just intrigue me, Hime."
She blushed, and put her hand over her chest. "I like talking to you too Naruto, but I know you're tired. I don't want you up all night."
  He yawned one last time before saying, "Goodnight, my Hime."
   "I love you, bye." Hanabi said to her sister as she dropped her off at school. Neji claimed he wasn't feeling good, so she was driving today.
Hinata knew that her cousin was faking a cold to spend time with TenTen, who had actually come down with one, but she thought it was cute.
Once she got out of his car, she yawned while heading towards the school entrance. It was just like any other school day, no one wanted to be here, including her.
  Walking to her locker, she got the necessary things she needed before being met with her friends.Sakura yawned, "Hi, Hinata."
"Hey, Sakura, Hey, Ino."
"I'm so tired." Ino complained as they walked in the direction of their home rooms together. They made light conversation before Sakura said, "Bye, guys." As she walked into the room next to their's.

Following that period, Hinata sat in her literacy period, where she heard,
"Hi, beautiful." Naruto smiled as he walked into literacy, and took his normal seat behind her. She internally told herself to stop blushing, though she couldn't get it to stop as she thought about everything he had told her last night. "What are you doing tonight?"
He asked, "Nothing much."
"Well you know we have that big end of the quarter test, and I was wondering if you could help me study?"

When he asked that, Hinata turned around in her seat to see him blushing. His expression made her giggle, because she wasn't sure what he was so nervous about. Placing her hand on top of his she said, "Sure, but can we do it at my place?" Naruto smiled while intertwining their fingers. "I don't mind."
"Okay, I'll text you the address after I pick up my little sister from school."
"Oh yeah, Hanabi, right?" She nodded while smilininf at the fact that he had remembered her little sisters name.
"Oh I noticed Neji isn't here, is he sick too?"
"He claims to be sick, but I know he's just doing that to hang with TenTen." She said shrugging, Naruto laughed slightly "I'd do the same thing." Hinata rolled her lavender colored eyes, "I wouldn't let you."
"And who said it would be for you, Hime?"

Naruto joked, making Hinata laugh nervously, until he burst out laughing. "I'm kidding."
Feigning to be offended, she pulled her hand away from his, before turning around in her seat just as the bell rang, and their teacher
Ms. Hūya walked in.
  "Hime. Please talk to me, I'm sorry, it was a stupid joke." He kept apologizing as she playfully ignored him, while fighting hard against the smile trying to form on her face. Just as she was about to give in, he put his arm around her shoulders making her blush, and whisper in her ear. "Hime, please talk to me."
He sounded so hurt, that she had to give in.
She pouted her lips slightly, and looked up at him, "Why are you so cute?"
He smiled and kissed her forehead, "Yay! You finally said something. I'm sorry, Hime."
  "I honestly wasn't even mad, I just was having fun." She admitted while laughing a little and he said, "hm." Before moving his arm and starting to walk away.

Hinata laughed and grabbed his hand, before he practically dragged her to her next class, while she laughed hysterically.
Though he walked her to her class, he hadn't said a word.
"Thank you for walking me to class." She laughed a little, and he tried to keep the smile from forming, but the corners of lips turned up slightly. "Nope. Can't do it." He said before smiling brightly and pulling her into a hug.
"I'll see you in a little while, bye Hime."

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