Chapter Eight

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  Opening the back door to his house, Naruto tried walking up the stairs unnoticed. He assumed that it would be easy considering it well past midnight, and his parents were most likely asleep. "Where have you been, Naruto?"
Sighing, he started to walk back down the wooden stairs. "I was helping a friend."
He eyed his son, "At two in the morning? What friend?" As his dad stood in the doorway of his office, with his arms crossed, Naruto tried to avoid his gaze by staring at the ground.

Although his nose had stopped bleeding, it was still swollen, and that was the last thing he needed to explain to his father. "You don't know her, she needed my help though, and I couldn't just leave her alone." His blue eyes held clear confusion, "She? You were at a girls house until 2am? Your mom is going to kill you."

"Please don't tell her." He pleaded, this time looking into his father's blue eyes. If his mom found out, she'd kill him, and wouldn't think twice about doing so. She's always had a short temper. "Who's the girl, is she your girlfriend?"
"She's a close friend, I couldn't just leave her."
"What did she need help with?" He asked, after looking down from his swollen nose to his bruised hand. As he stood there, he wondered if telling his father the truth would be the best idea."Well at first you know I went over to study for a test, then her sister got hurt so I helped."

Walking toward Naruto, "Did you get into a fight?" He asked, while putting a small amount of pressure to his nose. Naruto bit his tongue to keep from wincing. "Kinda?"
"Come, you need ice." They walked to the kitchen, while he continued to ask him questions. "Did you hit her?" He shook his head, "Of course not."
"It's been a long night. Her sister was being attacked. Then she tried to help, but she got hurt herself, I had to step in. I know you always say to handle it in a civilized manner, but I like this girl, a lot. Seeing her hurt made me crazy."
He grabbed an ice pack from the freezer, and titled her head back, before pressing it against his nose. "Is she okay now?" He asked, while sitting next to him.

"Somewhat. I just don't know Dad. Everything happened so fast." He nodded, and ruffled his hair. "I get it, trust me."
  "I won't tell your mother, but don't do it again. Ice your hand by the way, it'll jam if you don't. As for your face? You can't hide that from your mom, so I suggest you come up with something." He said in a stern voice,
"Okay, thank you dad. Goodnight, love you."
"Goodnight, love you too."
"Why are you so tired?" His mom asked, while putting breakfast in front of him, yawning he dug in. "I was up late."
"Aww, were you talking to that Hyuga girl again?"
"Naruto what happened to your face?"
She asked when she noticed the bruising, "Hanabi elbowed me on accident." He said, and she shook her head. "Make sure you ice it."
"Who's Hanabi?"
"Hinata Hyuga's sister."
"Hyuga? Like Hiashi Hyuga?" His father asked, "Yeah, that's her dad."

"How do you know him?" Naruto asked,
"Well I know both of her parents, we went to school together."
"Was anything off about him?" He asked, making his dad looked at him oddly.
"There was a lot off about him. I honestly thought he was abusive to her, she always had a certain in her eyes whenever he'd come around, and it wasn't like her to behave that way." His mother answered. His fist clenched in anger as he thought about her father, and wondered how anyone could do that to their children. "Why?" His mom asked, wondering why he cared.

"No reason." He said, trying his best to sound nonchalant, only Minata could clearly read right through him. "Naruto. You don't think she's being abused do you?" He stayed quiet for a moment, contemplating whether or not he should break his promise to her, and tell his parents about what Hiashi had done.
"I didn't say that, I was just asking because when I met him, he seemed a little off."
They nodded while saying, "Oh okay."
"You met her dad? Are you guys serious?"
His father asked, as Kushina smiled.

"Yeah I did, but it wasn't purposely. She was helping me study for the big chemistry test."
Minata looked at his son with curiosity, "Since when do you need help with Chemistry?" Naruto shrugged while smiling cutely, "Since I asked her to help me study."
"Well she's a beautiful girl, I think you'd like her." Kushina said to her husband. He nodded, "Sounds smart too."
"She is. With her help I'll probably get an A on this test."

"She met Mom at the last football game."
She nodded with a smile, "Yeah, after he kissed her in front of the whole school." His dad smiled, "Way to go, Son." Shaking her head, she laughed a little. "But really, she's a sweet girl, don't mess it up." He nodded, "Not if I can help it."
"Where's, Hinata?" Asked Sakura and Ino as soon as they walked through the schools entrance. "She wasn't feeling good, but do me a favor?" He asked them, making them nod.
"Can you guys get any homework from the classes you guys have together?" They smiled a little, "Aww you're so sweet, Naruto."
"Is that a yes?"
"Of course, and we're going with you when you give them to her." He nodded, "Okay, but get to class the bell is about to ring."
"I have your work." Naruto spoke to Hinata over the phone, as he stood outside of the cafeteria, and she stood in her bedroom.
"Okay, Thank you again, Naruto."
"You don't have to thank me, Hime. How are you feeling?"
"I'm okay actually, my dad's here."
"Did you talk to him about last night? Are you okay?" He asked, as they both were extremely nervous at just the thought of that conversation. "Actually he asked me why Hanabi and I were acting so strange, then I said it. Now he's apologizing and he feels bad, I don't know if he thinks this is the first time he's done it or not."

"I'm glad you said something to him, but you need tell him everything."
"I know Naruto and I'm trying, it's just hard." She said as tears fell from her eyes, and he heard a soft sniffle. "Hime, don't cry, I know it's hard, but you can get through it okay? Just think of it as helping your little sister and himself out. If he's aware of the things he's doing, while under the influence. He'll get help."

There was a short pause, "Okay, Naruto. I'll see you after you get out of school."
"Okay, the rest of our friends are coming along too, they want to see you."
"Okay that's fine. Oh and Naruto?"
"Yes, Hime?" He asked, "Thank you for everything, really."
"It's no problem, is it weird to say I miss you already?" He said, before laughing a little.
"Is it weird to say I miss you too?" She said, making him laugh. "No, not at all. I'm very desirable."

"I honestly just miss your kisses and hugs, you yourself? Maybe just a little."
  "I'll make sure to cover you in kisses and hugs then."
"I'll be waiting."
"I have to go, Hime, bye I'll see you later."
"Bye, Naruto." She said, before hanging up.
With a smile, Naruto started to walk into the cafeteria, only to be dragged out again by Neji. "Hey, I just wanted to say thank you for yesterday. You were there when I wasn't, and I know for a fact it would've been a lot worse."

The both of them had never really talked before, so it was slightly awkward. Scratching the back of his neck, he smiled while saying,
"It's no problem, I'm glad I was there, was she okay this morning?"
"She was emotional of course, but other than that she was okay." He nodded, "Good, we're all coming over after school if that's good with you?"
"Yeah, you guys are always welcome."
    "Hi, Hime." Naruto said as she opened her front door to all of her friends."Hey, everyone." She said opening the door wider. Her once swollen face had gone down sufficiently, and couldn't stop himself from gawking at her beauty. "My room is upstairs, all the way down the hall." She instructed with a smile, "Okay, Hina." Sakura said leading the way, while Hinata and Naruto stayed behind. She looked up at him, "Hi, Naruto." Kissing her forehead, he asked her, "How are you?"
"Better, but I need to get out of this house,
we all should do something?"
"Maybe a movie?"
The girls decided to watch an animated movie, while Naruto just enjoyed being there with Hinata. A sigh left his lips as he leaned on his armrest, "Aww are you bored?" Whispered Hinata in his ear. "Yes." He whispered back, making her laugh a little, before kissing his lips. The pair seemed to forget that they were in a public movie theatre as they savored their passionate kiss. They both loved how exhilarating it felt to kiss each other.

His brought his lips to her neck, but she giggled while cupping his chin.
"Our friends don't want to see us give each other hickies."
"They don't have to look." He said before kissing her neck again, making her giggle from the tenderness. Their friends turned to look at them, making her blush deeply, and push his head away. "Oh my god." She facepalmed.
"Back away from my cousin, Uzumaki."
Neji said, making Naruto wink at him before kissing her cheek.

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