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Nikki was pissed when he found out the only teacher he had that he liked was pregnant. That meant she would be taking maternity leave.

She was the only teacher he liked because she had patience. While his other professors ignored him and thought he was just a rebellious imbecile senior, she understood his frustrations with the curriculum and worked to help him raise his grades.

Now she was gone, and fourth period math would become hell all over again. They would be getting a "replacement teacher". He apparently wasn't much older than Nikki and his fellow students, maybe a year - he had skipped grades in early school. He was a student from a local college, who was filling in for teaching experience so he could get his degree and become a real teacher later on. Nikki heard someone say his name was Mr. Lee, but wasn't sure.

What Nikki didn't expect to see when he walked into math was the beauty that was seated at the teacher's desk, soft chocolatey eyes flicking up ever so often to examine his new class.

His long and curly raven-colored locks tumbled down and caressed his shoulders and the collar of his baby-blue polo shirt, which was neatly tucked into his tight-fitting black dress pants. He looked professional, minus the black Converse that peeked from underneath the slightly-too-long pants. His soft eyes were accented by sharp black eyeliner, but one eye was nearly always covered by part of his bangs that continuously flopped down, no matter how many times he brushed them to the side with those long and nimble fingers that Nikki just couldn't stop staring at.

The name "Mr. Tommy Lee" was written on the blackboard in the prettiest chalk handwriting Nikki had ever seen. It was graceful and swirly and made him feel at-ease.

Nikki dropped his bag and his binders at his desk, thankful that he had a spot in the front row for the first time.. ever. He couldn't figure out why, but he wanted to be closer to the man. He felt drawn to him. His heart nearly leapt out of his chest as the final bell rang, eyes directing to Mr. Lee, who now stood from the desk. Nikki was astonished at his height. He was built but extremely skinny, which just made his hair seem all the larger.

Nikki bit his lip when he heard the new teacher's low voice boom throughout the scuffling silence of the classroom.

"Hello, class! My name is Mr. Lee, unless you want to call me Tommy - but that may be strange, unless we're friends. I.. oh, boy. I'm sorry. I'm quite new at this," Mr. Lee trailed off nervously, scratching at the back of his neck. If it were any other substitute, Nikki would've been shooting spitballs by now, but he actually felt sorry for the guy.

"Let me start again. My name is Mr. Lee, and I'll be filling in for Mrs. Sullivan while she's out! I'm sure we're all very excited for her baby.." Mr. Lee murmured as he fingered through some papers in his hand, picking out a few and passing them to the people in the front of the rows as he went across the room. They passed the papers back to the other students.

Nikki was the last one, heading the final row. He could barely bring himself to tear his eyes off the taller man to pass back the pile.

Mr. Lee continued to happily chat as he handed out the "Get To Know You!" papers, blabbing about Mrs. Sullivan's baby and his college and such. Nikki simply watched his pretty lips move. Was he wearing.. lipstick?

"If you flip to the back of your paper, you'll see that I filled out the same information so you guys could get to know me, too. I like to think I'm a pretty cool guy." The man laughed good-heartedly, a sound Nikki knew he'd want to get used to. He found himself mesmerized by the way Mr. Lee's black-painted fingernails grazed the papers in his hand.

Nikki only averted his attention downwards at the paper after Mr. Lee had retreated back to his desk, jotting down some things in pen. Nikki flipped the paper and read about his new teacher before writing things about himself.

'Name: Tommy Lee (Bass, but I don't use my last name)
Age: 21
Favorite subject: I guess I have to put math here. ;)
Interests: Rock n' roll! It's always been a dream of mine to be a drummer in a band, but I don't think it would ever work out anyway so.'

Nikki paused at that, smiling dumbly to himself. Mr. Lee liked rock 'n roll?

Suddenly he was beautiful AND cool.

"I'm gonna do attendance now, if you guys don't mind!" Mr. Lee called, stating this as if he had a choice whether to do it or not. He began to call names.

The senior flipped the paper over and filled out the boxes, telling his new teacher about his bass-playing and his photography interests. And of course, he mentioned rock 'n roll.

"Feranna Jr., Frank?"

Nikki groaned and raised his hand. Mr. Lee noticed this.

The new teacher finished the attendance and asked a blonde boy, Nikki's friend named Vince, to take it to the office. Mr. Lee trotted over to Nikki and squatted beside his desk after handing the sheet to Vince, resting his chin next to Nikki's binder.

"Hey," he murmured softly, eyes kind and understanding. "I heard that groan before. Is there something else you wanna be called? You don't seem like a.. Frank."

Nikki was astonished. Mr. Lee actually cared what he wanted to be called? Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

"My name is Nikki Sixx." The student replied softly, pointing to it on his paper. Mr. Lee nodded, grinning widely at Nikki.

Nikki decided just then that he loved Mr. Lee's smile more than anything else in the world.

When the bell rang to signify the end of the period, Nikki was actually disappointed. For the rest of the day, Mr. Lee was the only thing on his mind. The only thing that made Nikki feel slightly less dirty was the fact that the man was 21, for fuck's sake. Nikki was 18, 19 in a month, graduating this year. It was perfectly okay for Nikki to have thoughts about him - right?

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