\\ not a oneshot //

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This isn't a new oneshot but I want to publish this here 'cause it's somewhat related to Phan, and I don't want to forget this moment.

Today our geography teacher joined another class on a field trip so we got a substitute. The substitute taught geography for higher grades, so he said he'd like to know us better 'cause he may be our teacher next year.

Seems pretty casual right?

Just say something you like.

My first thought was fanfiction, or to be specific, phanfiction. I told my friends my idea and laughed. They probably didn't think I'd have the guts to say it, or that I was just joking.

So when he got to our row, he gestured that it was my turn and I said:

"Hi I'm _____ and I like fanfiction."

*mental facepalm*

People laughed and so did I but it was more of the embarrassed kind of a laugh, you know what I mean? But the teacher just said, "You know, everyone has their interests." and was generally pretty cool with that so yeah.

After school, I reminded one of my friends about what happened during that class and she asked me why I did that and I just shrugged and said, "I just wanted to."

I only have a year left in that school before I move halfway across the world, so I really want to be free and try to do as much as I can before I go, even if it means sort of embarrassing myself. I may never see any of those people again anyway.


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