These Days

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These Days

You passed me by

Took the other side

Your mistake

It's not the only one you've made

Looks like you've let me down

Once again

You pretend that these days are alright

Like these days we won't have to fight

Like someday it'll turn out right

And one of these days there will be a light

It doesn't have to be this way

The cuts so thin

You don't know the pain I'm in

Haven't asked how I've been

You're in control of my skin

I've reached for the top of the hole I'm in

Lost in my life

And you're the knife

Sharp without even knowing

Though we keep going

Through these days

You pretend that I'm alright

Like these days we won't have to fight

Like someday it'll turn out right

But I know there will never be a light

Words from a Teenager (Poems)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat