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I am willing to tell a story for any one of these- I know that a few may raise some questions.

1. Clothes

2. I don't wear makeup- I'm actually allergic to most kinds.  Besides, it feels like I'm a cake covered in icing.  I hate that.

3. Violets and forgetmenots <3

4. I don't like to shop, but I guess Plato's Closet

5. Don't wear perfume

6. Flats.  Can't run in heels.

7. I think?

8. Blue, black, and silver

9. No

10. Yes????

11. Hell yeah!!!!

12. No, who the fuck eats fries with forks?!?!

13. Don't use moisturizer.

14. Reference answer 11

15. I don't, but Hallie does, and she's... kinda me.

16. Nah, the ghosts just come to me XP

17. Waaaaaayyyy too many.  Ah, the joy of having severe anxiety.

18. Nope.

19. Yeah

20. Nope

And that's it!  If anyone wants to do this, go ahead, but I won't tag you lol.

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