Help! -I See Ghosts! question

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@RoryLory : what inspired you to write Help?

Oh, crap... um... nothing?  I guess I just came up with it on my own.  I do that a lot.  I might have a dream, wake up, and go "oh, hey, that would make a great book!"  Or I could just be daydreaming and come up with one.  Or I could draw a picture, make up a story for the picture, and turn it into something totally different...? I guess...?  Or I could write a little blurb in my notebook,] and turn that into a story.  Actually, I was thinking about making a book based off of my "Cold" blurb.  If you haven't checked that out, I suggest you do, because, well, WE'RE GOING ON A TRIP IN OUR FAVORITE FEELS SHIP, SWIMMING THROUGH THE TEARS!  LITTLE TEAR JERKERS!  ^^

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