A Little Rant

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During the school day, I have two major moods.  Ready-to-kill-my-computer and done-with-human-interaction.  The first one stretches over the entire day.  Honestly, it took about seven minutes just to load up Wattpad!  It's super frustrating!  It's even more frustrating then my home computer, and my home computer's light is always PINK!  I hate pink!  And, really, my home computer's Internet Explorer loads faster then this one's Chrome!  INTERNET.  EXPLORER.  Really?!  Need I say more?!

Now, you're probably saying, "but Uni, what about happy?  Isn't that a mood you feel in school?"  Yes. It is.  BUT IN NO WAY IS IT ONE OF THE MAIN ONES!  School is torture, no matter what name you give it.  Honestly, it's a prison.  They tell you it's focused on independance and they'll give that to you if you earn it, but you are NEVER independent!  There's always someone telling you what to do, and there's always someone to pull your little puppet strings!

You might think I'm just saying this because I'm mad, and that's true, but when you're mad, it's the only time you ever notice how you're being treated!  I'm just- AUGH!  Sometimes I just- *summons flamethrower and smiles insanely*  Come here, people, mommy wants to talk to you...!


You may think I'm being crazy, but come one, you JUST noticed?!  I'm surprised someone hasn't called the hospital yet!  I am very clearly insane!    And I'm starting to think being isolated in a white room with only a bed would be better than school!  I'll be able to talk to myself for once!  Not that I don't already do that, but still!  Some people might walk by my one way glass and tutt, saying "oh, that poor little thing.  Such a shame." I don't need pity!  I have a better deal than you!  I get to be who I want to be, not who anxiety, depression and society forced me to!  I get to ramble on to myself, I get to  run around, I get to dream, and I get to be me!  Do YOU get to be YOU?!  No, you don't, do you?! SUCKERS!

I feel like I might need some help.


























yeah, definitely need help.



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