Math Essay Satanist

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So, we had to write a paragraph on circles... and for a kid who has ADD and just spent an entire week off of school, that went pretty badly... for my teacher, at least.  It was comedy gold for the rest of everyone else.  Here's what I sent him:

Circles are round. Circles are not 3D. They are also not triangles or squares or rectangles or octagons or decagons or scissors or microwaves or hexagons or sweaters or jackets or spheres or pyramids or boxes or Markiplier or creativity. Circles are boring. Circle does not sound like "kirkle." Circle rhymes with purple. Circles are a part of a pentagram, and you draw a red pentagram to summon Satan. Goats are not circles, but are commonly sacrificed to Satan and are considered his patron animal. Satan even has a pair of goat horns on his head, commonly called "devil horns." I also know that this quick write is turning into an essay on Satan, and that I am now a Satanist. All hail Satan, and please keep all hands and feet inside the ride at all times. Thank you.

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