My Favorite 'Supernatural' Memories

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So, when I was in second grade, I was a cheerleader.  There was one occasion where we needed to put on makeup and shit, and one of the necessities was this glitter that could go on your skin.  So we spread that shit all over out faces and necks, then we went out to cheer, then went home.

The next day, I went to school.  The glitter still hadn't washed off because it was fucking glitter, so I was all sparkly.  This didn't go unnoticed, especially by a boy who spent most of his time watching me but never interacting with me.  Today, though, he advanced.

"You're all sparkly..." he told me.  "I knew you were a vampire!"

Apparently, the whole class heard, and for the rest of the year I was avoided because I 'was a vampire'.

I don't know why, but I was thinking about this for the first time since it happened.  There have actually been a lot of run-ins with people who think I'm a vampire.

There was one time when I was at camp, and two boys noticed the two freckles on my neck.  I was a quiet, pale kid, so their immediate reaction was 'VAMPIRE!!!!'

I spent the rest of the week sneaking up on them and scaring the crap out of them.

Here's something else, too- whenever I was ignored as a kid, I thought I was dead.

One time, I started screaming in someone's ear.  Another time, I ran headfirst into a wall.  The best time, though, was when I actually mentioned these things out loud.  No one payed any attention, so me being me, I immediately though 'well, what if this time I really am dead?!'

So I started running my big fat mouth, talking about how I would miss each and every person in the room, though not that much because most of them were buttheads who didn't like me.

I made this whole stupid speech about it, and I was halfway through before I realized that everyone in the room was staring at me.

Another time, I was at a sleep-away camp in the woods.  People quickly realized that I could 'run like a deer,' or run through the woods at top speed with no problems of tripping whatsoever.  I received a lot of questions about it, but I didn't really see why I should answer them, so I ignored them.

Then came the rumors.

My favorite was that I was an immortal goddess of the forest, disguising herself as a little girl to see how humans treated her property.

There was also ones about me being a werewolf, me being a satyr, me being a vampire, and me being a ghost.  I honestly don't know who came up with them, but they were all so hilarious to me.  They still are.  I mean, if I'm the goddess of anything, it would be profanities.

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