sneak peek

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So, I started writing this thing and after a bit of editing, it's pretty good... I'm not sure if I'll turn it into a book or not, but here's what I've written.


I screamed, my eyes widening as the kid fell off, her mouth open in a silent beg for life, her eyes big, her arms swinging. I tried to grab her, but her fingers just grazed mine before the nine-year-old fell to her death. I could only stand in shock an horror, staring down at the spot the girl once was.

"What, you thought this job was without deaths?" My partner laughed. "Trust me, this is the first of many. Especially if we don't hurry up."

"How can you say that?! Someone just DIED," I yelled, glaring at him. He shrugged. "You heartless BASTARD!"

"You're endangering thousands of people and you're accusing me of being heartless?!"

I grit my teeth. The smug bastard grinned at me before turning and walking away. I ran after him, still growling at his bitchiness.

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