late night observation

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So, has anyone else ever experienced that thing at night where you can't sleep? So you read or play on electronics? And then you start seeing people who aren't really there?

Yeah, that's happening right now. I'm seeing a ton of people, hiding behind the door, in the corner, walking past my bed...

And before anyone says anything, I don't think I have "the sight". (If you don't know what the sight is, then it basically means you can see spirits.)

I mean, I've had my fair share of strange occurrences... GATHER ROUND, IT'S STORY TIME!!

So, by far the oddest thing that's ever happened to me that might be super natural was when I had a dream about a woman when I was about... 4-5 years old.

Before you leave, this dream get weirder.

So, this woman had brown hair and wore a black (kinda.... S.L.U.T.T.Y. one at that) dress and black high heels. She was also holding a shiny butcher knife. I don't remember her eye color, though.

What she did was this: she leaned over and whispered "hello, little girl. How was your day? Good? Good." Then she stood back up and smirked.
"I can promise you that it won't be for long."

And then my dream ended.

The really freaky part was that the next day, I found out one of my friends (who hadn't been going to school lately) had died.

Creepy? I thought so.

So, this got really off task... BYE!!!!!

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