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In honor of almost 1k reads. Love all of you so very much. Thank you for commenting and voting and reading, it means the world.

  I, Jaime Preciado, am the biggest dickhead to ever exist. Of all terrible boyfriends, I am the worst.
  I forgot about Vic and my's one year anniversary. Not that I meant to forget it, but the thing is I couldn't have told you what day our anniversary was to begin with. I didn't even know an anniversary was a thing you had for when you're just dating. Like we're you supposed to celebrate on the annual repetition of the day you first met? The first date? The first kiss? The "will you be my boyfriend"?

But apparently there is such a thing as anniversaries for just dating. And I missed ours. By a day. Vic is going to cut my dick off.

You see, my little Viccy is rather sentimental, and missing our first one year? Not a good move. Especially since I didn't just forget and then he reminded me and I quickly fixed it. No. I was out of the country for the three days prior and the day of was my flight home.

Long story short, I used all my data facetiming Vic last night, apologizing time and time again for missing our day and that id make it up to him.

How was I going to make it up to him? I have no idea. It wasn't a thing a simple make out session could fix, although I wouldn't say no to one of those. Vic needs me to show him I care about him and appreciate him. Sure, he knows I do, but I think I really hurt him by not even knowing it was our anniversary, above all.

So in my own odd, Jaime way, I'm going to make it up to him. He is my everything, afterall.

  I impatiently wait for the food to be ready. It was real damn awkward hauling around my luggage through downtown to the one place that serves the teriyaki chicken Vic likes. But it's in the name of love, so I'll do it.

The chef dude re-appears, take out bag in hand. I thank him quickly and hurry out of the shop, back toward my car.
  I place the food next to the cute bouquet of lilies (Vic's favourite) and buckle up before starting the ignition and pulling onto the road, ready to get home.

I tap my foot quickly and move restlessly as the elevator goes up to mine and Vic's shared apartment. It used to be just his, but as our relationship moved on, I moved in with him. Let's just say his tidy, minimal aesthetic was slightly destroyed when I started living with him.

The ride up feels like it takes ages, and I haul my suitcase behind me as the doors slide open and I hurry down the hallway.

I don't bother trying to find my key, and instead just knock on the door. I can hear music coming from inside, I can't quite tell if it's Vic playing or if he just has a record on.
     The music doesn't pause as I hear shuffling, must be a record.

I bite my lip nervously. There are a few ways this could go. Vic could yell at me, which is unlikely. He could completely melt into my arms, which is also unlikely. Or, he could be distant and a little moody and grumpy, which is the most likely.

  The lock clicks and the door swings open, revealing a short brunet standing in only a SnapBack and sweatpants, some metalcore track blaring quietly in the background.
   "Vic I'm really sorry I forgot our anniversary and was in fucking Italy for it and I got you chicken," I say in a hurry, stumbling over my words, and thrust the take out bag and flowers at the unamused looking model in the doorway.

His sour face pulls into a grin as he accepts bouquet and food, he backs up, giving me room to enter the apartment. I pull my suitcase in and Vic closes the door behind me.

  "I thought you'd just try and scoot you're way out of this one with kissing or something, Hime." Vic says as he wanders to the kitchen. I hear him open a drawer, and the rattle of cutlery as he gets whatever utensil he uses for chicken. I slide my shoes and coat off and follow Vic.

He's standing in front of the sink, take out, fork, and lilies on the counter beside him. I watch him from behind as he fills a vase with water for his flowers, it's the only vase we own, and Vic only uses it for lilies.
   I watch his caramel colored back as his muscles move over bone and under skin, his curly hair coming out from under the red SnapBack, the waistband of his boxers visible as his joggers ride low on his hips.

"Quit watching me, creep." His tone is joking and his voice is full of love. He's impressed that I didn't slack off like I tend to. I impressed him. I can't help but feel a little proud of that, as I often feel like Vic is so much more mature and able than I am.

I walk up to the other boy as he turns around, lilies placed on the counter, take out box and fork in hand. He opens the box as I place my hands on the counter at either side of his waist. I. can feel the warmth of his bare skin even though I'm not touching him. And god, do I want to touch him.

He looks me in the eye as he starts eating, his brown eyes twinkle.
   "I thought you'd be mad." I say quietly as he swallows.
  "I was mad. I was mad when I opened the door. I was mad because you didn't seem to care that you forgot. I get that I can be a little too sentimental, that I obsess over the little things too much, but I was a little hurt, you know?" He replies, motioning with his fork.

"But you did care. You brought me my three favourite things." He says and smiles at me, shoving more chicken in his mouth.
  I smile softly down at him, my hands have moved from the counter to his waist, wrapped gently around his slim sides. I rub my thumbs over his hipbones, his soft skin familiar.

"Three?" I ask softly, our torsos only separated by the takeout box.

"Yes, three. Lilies, teriyaki chicken from the place downtown, and you." He  says and places the box and fork to the side, letting me close the space between us.

"So you're telling me I didn't have to go all the way downtown? I could have just shown up empty handed?" I question, knowing the answer.
   "I would have kicked your ass if you'd done that, Preciado." Vic says and reaches his arms around my neck, pulling me down so our foreheads touch.

"I know," I say as my gaze travels down from his eyes to his lips. My hands pull his smaller body closer to mine.
   "And I see you've dressed to impress," I add in a low tone. Vic knows my thing for him shirtless, and in SnapBacks. Mix the two and I'm gone.

"Just for you, babe," he says, eyes bright. He knows what he's playing at.

"You know, I had the courtesy not to do you on the counter several times before, but there's a first time for everything..." I trail off as Vic rolls his eyes at me, a smile playing at his lips.

I lean down and break the barrier between us. He tastes like teriyaki and smells like his usual cologne. He sighs into the kiss and lingers against my mouth.

"Let me eat this first, then we'll talk about kitchen sex," he says and pulls away from me, reaching over for his chicken. I laugh, and Vic stabs chicken onto his fork.

   "Babe?" Vic hums in response, his mouth full.
   "Happy three hundred and sixty-six days of putting up with me," I say and kiss his nose lightly. He swallows and pecks me on the lips.
  "I love you, Himes,"

  "Love you too, Fuentes."

  "So how about that kitchen sex,"

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