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It's been a few days since my shoot with Vic. I've uploaded and gone through all the pictures, I'm really happy with them. They all look so... professional.

  To me, being a photographer isn't just a job. It's a passion, taking pictures is something I love. I'd do it even if I wasn't paid, and working jobs and doing shoots is nice, but going out and shooting whatever I want is pretty sweet, too.

  I've picked my favorite hundred out of the two thousand from Vic's shoot. Sometimes I go a little crazy with burst shooting, sue me. I'm working on editing them now, I want the model himself to see these before I send them in. I have another week before the company wants them, anyways.

I've been waiting for an excuse to finally text Vic for days. I mean, he did only really express interest in seeing the pictures, not me.

Then again, why would he express any interest in me? He's a model. A beautiful and successful person. I'm a tattooed guy with a camera, people back in high school used to say I was weird for always being positive and good natured. I never let it get to me, but sometimes I wish at least one person besides my mom would actually listen to me. Yeah I can crack jokes and make you laugh, but that's all people seem to want me for.

I sigh and try to clear my head, disregarding the dismal thoughts. I grab my phone off the computer desk, where I've been editing for a few hours now. I'm so happy with these pictures, Vic was such an amazing person to work with.

A small smile lingers on my face as I search for the contact he put in my phone the other day. I scroll through until I find Vic Fuentes. I tap the name and start writing the text message.

Hey Vic, it's Jaime Preciado. I've gone through the pictures from the other day and thought you might like to see them. Are you free anytime this week?

It's a weird not quite casual, not quite professional text. Exactly my goal. I can't help but get a few butterflies in my stomach as I press send. He's an attractive male that gave me his number. I'm sure he only wanted it so he could see the pictures, no way he could even know I'm gay, and he probably isn't. The fantastical side of me wants to say this could be a date, the rational side says it's a business meeting.

Before I can decide which side is right, my phone buzzes in my hand, I look down at it.

Jaime! Good to hear from you. I'd love to see the pictures, and you for that matter, does tomorrow morning work? xx Vic

Well that was unexpected. The pessimistic part of me had said that he was going to say he was busy and just brush me off like im nothing. Like I'm below him. Or that he wasn't going to respond at all, and the interest he showed after the shoot was false.

But the reply is friendly and warm, maybe even a little flirtatious. And the two little xx he put before his name makes my spirits soar.

Sounds great! Where do you want to meet?

I send Vic a quick reply. If he has no spot in mind I guess I could invite him here. I'd have to clean up, though. I glance around my apartment, it's not that bad, but not guest worthy either.

There's this cool little coffee shop on the corner of Eight and Lidell I've been meaning to try. We could meet there, if you're able to bring what you need, of course.

Looks like I won't have to bother with cleaning at all.

Sure! Does 10:30 work for you?

Well this means I'll actually have to get myself out of bed before noon, I just dug my own grave I suppose.

That's perfect. Not going to lie, I'm excited. xx

Vic's almost instant reply makes my grin wider, if that's possible. I haven't been on a date, or something like it since my freshman year of college. The whole boyfriend thing just kinda faded out as I got more into my photography.

But that spark has been reignited. The internal tingle and the wander thoughts of what could happen between Vic and I tomorrow.

The two of us finalize plans for tomorrow and say goodnight. Vic seems genuinely into it, and I'm diving in head first.

Needless to say, as I make sure all the photos are loaded safely on my laptop, I'm way too excited for some little coffee shop photo show tomorrow.

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