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  *spicy scene warning*

Vic and I have been just hanging out, talking. He's been ranting about how low grade the shoots he's been doing lately are, and I guess once you work with the big shots everything else seems uncoordinated and cheap.

I still don't have a shirt on, my feet are propped on the coffee table, and there's a warm mug of tea cupped in my hands. Vic is sitting across from me, going on about some event of this week. I mindlessly check my watch, 2:32. Wow, he's been here for quite a while. And I've been nothing but content and happy since he got here.

Fuck, I have it bad.

I'm about to let myself drift back into Vic's melodic voice when I remember. I have fifteen photos to edit and a whole bunch more to send to Lewbra. And I only have half an hour.

"And then the jerkass assistant was li-"

"Vic, I'm sorry, but I have this shit I forgot about and I need to edit and fuck." I cut him off, standing up hurriedly and setting the mug on the coffee table  before scurrying down the hallway to my computer.

"Jaime?" Vic calls after me, I can hear him stand and follow down the hall.

I quickly boot up the computer as Vic joins me at the desk. I glance up at him, he's looking down at me in the chair with a look of confusion written across his pretty face.

"I'm sorry, Vic. I have photos I need to send into Lewbra from a shoot yesterday..." I start to explain.

"They only gave you a day to edit?" Vic interrupts, his confused face turned concerned.

"Yeah. I mean it's not a big deal, but three hundred photos is a lot to edit in a day." I mutter as the computer finishes loading and I pull up the file.

"That's crazy, Hime. It's not fair to you." Vic says quietly. He's standing close behind me. I can feel his warmth on my bare shoulder.

"There's a chair over there, if you want. Or you could leave, I guess..." I gesture to the corner of the room I think I left an extra seat in.

Wordlessly telling me his decision, Vic carries over the fold out chair so he can sit next to me.

By the time he's beside me I'm already engrossed in the pictures.


"Those were all so pretty, Hime. You're talented." Vic breaks the silence as I hit send on the email to Lewbra containing all the pictures they requested.

"Shut up, Victor," A blush creeps along my cheeks. All his little compliments provoke the little warm and fuzzies.

All the pictures are sent in. And there are two minutes left until my deadline. Not too bad, if I do say so myself.

"So, now that's done. And we have nothing to do..." Vic wiggles his eyebrows at me. I chuckle, turning towards him.

"You're upset that I haven't kissed you yet," I joke. My stomach is full of little butterflies. Vic makes me feel so... happy.

"Maybe a little," Vic pouts, crossing his arms playfully.

"Hey, smile. I can't make out with someone who's down in the dumps." I spin my chair so I'm facing him.

Vic rolls his eyes and turns back to me, a smile spread across his face.

"You're such an idiot." I grin at his silly comment, the little harmless "insult" makes my stomach swoosh with butterflies.

"Yeah, I probably am. But I'm your idiot." I play the cheesy romance hard as I lean forward and rest my arms on my knees, my face now but a few inches from Vic's.

He rolls his eyes again, smile still prominent, before bringing his arms forward and intertwining both my hands with his.

"Fuck it. You are my idiot." My grin widens.

Vic moves himself closer so our foreheads are touching. I can feel his minty breath on my lips.

My eyes leave Vic's chocolate brown ones to glance down at his mouth before returning to his easy gaze.

"Can I kiss yo-" My question is cut off by Vic's mouth against mine.

My grip on his smaller hands tightens, my lips move against his.

Kissing Vic feels so good. He's both familiar and new. He's a comfort but he's exciting.

The kiss is soft, but quickly getting more heated. My teeth nibble at Vic's lips, and small noises are emitting from his throat. My tongue runs over where my teeth were, asking Vic if going this next little step is okay.

He quickly parts his lips, give me the go ahead.

Our hands have left each other's. His in favor of wrapping around the back of my neck, one hand sliding into my hair.

Mine are around his waist. One sliding down in order to play with the hem of his shirt.

*spicy scenes gonna happen*

Vic groans as I pull myself away from him and start to gently kiss down his jawline. My hands push is shirt up and move to hold his bare waist, the fabric pooling atop my arms.

I pull him closer, off his own chair and into my lap. I'm not quite sure how that worked so well, but I'm not complaining.

The feeling of another body being so close makes me even more excited. My kisses on Vic's neck are become more sloppy and my hands are running along his bare sides, it would be a lot easier without his stupid shirt getting in the way.

I pull away again, and Vic sighs.

"Is this okay?" I ask, voice husky.

"Very," Vic says lowly.

"Can I take this off?" I tug at his shirt.

"Please." He almost growls. I work quickly, awkwardly trying to pull his shirt off.

Eventually I get it, knocking his SnapBack off in the process. I wonder what he'd look like wearing the hat and nothing else.

My thoughts are interrupted by Vic's lower body moving against mine. An involuntary groan comes from me, my eyes closing.

My hands run along Vic's bare torso. Against the ridges of muscle and soft skin. They grip his hips as he continues to grind himself against me.

His jeans create friction against the thinner material of my track pants. And it feels so good.

One of his hands grips my shoulder, balancing himself against it. The other is wrapped gently around the back of my neck. His body is leaning over mine, he's hovering over me.

Vic bows his head to start kissing my neck. I take the moment to get back some of the dominance I lost. I pull Vic against me. I can feel Vic tense agains me at the sudden skin on skin contact.

"I'm not going to fuck you for the first time on an office chair," I mutter lowly into Vic's ear as he marks my neck and collar bones with hickies.

All I get is a groan in response as I awkwardly lift Vic and stand from the chair. God, I'm really happy I started visiting the gym.

Vic's legs are wrapped around my waist. I was planning on somehow making it to my bedroom, but that's way too far away.

"But against a wall, that's a pretty good first time." I say as I turn and press Vic's back against the hall wall.

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