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The door slams shut as Pattan leaves, leaving Vic and I alone. Photographer and model.

The sound of his belt buckle being undone brings me back to attention. I had been off in my own world of worrying about this shoot, I mean he's going to be in his underwear! With a torso like that there's no way downstairs could be disappointing.

Vic slides his jeans off and steps out of them. He tossed them to the side of the room, against a wall, and makes his way over to the white backdrop.

"You're supposed to be taking pictures, not staring at me." I can almost hear the smirk in his raspy voice.

I blush, embarrassed to be caught looking at his pretty perfect body. No wonder he's a model.

I finish up setting the camera and attach it to the top of the tripod as Vic sets himself up in front of the backdrop. He takes his place and I adjust my equipment, making sure he's in focus and the angle is just right.

I give Vic a nod as I bend slightly, matching my right eye to the viewfinder, my finger on the shutter button.

He starts to pose, and he knows his best sides and just where and how to angle himself. He's a natural. I almost want to pause and watch his body bend smoothly.

This shoot is based towards the small details, a lot of close ups and drama. He's the perfect guy, he's thin, but muscular. A defined and elegant face. He carries this air of confidence, and is certainly pretty and knows it.

As I'm snapping picture after picture of this beautiful human I start to feel rather self conscious. I've never seen myself as ugly, per say, but not as attractive as Vic. He just knows how to work the camera, knows his body is perfect from every angle. He's the guy I always wanted to be.

A few hours slip past. I've filled three memory cards, a typical shoot for me is one, maybe one and a half. He's just such a good model, it's hard to stop. I'm incredibly happy with all the pictures, I can't wait to edit them and send them out to the company. Imagine if one of my images ends up in a popular magazine, or big time advertisement!

Vic starts to slow down, letting me really get in close to capture the small things about him, just what the shoot description wanted. The curve of his sculpted jawline as it flows into his neck. His muscled arms as they move elegantly around his body. A few delicate portrait shots.

The camera blinks with a message, telling me the fourth and final card is full. I've taken easily about a thousand pictures. I'm a bit disappointed out time has ended, he's such a lovely thing to capture.

I straighten up from the camera, Vic notices and settles into a more sloppy stance, knowing the camera is no longer clicking.

"Full card." I tell him. It's the only real thing I've said to him. We had a bit of back and forth advice and questions during the shoot, of course, but not actual talk.

"Last card?" He asks, he watched me change the other two. I nod, he sighs in what seems like relief and heads away from the background.

I catch myself staring at his backside, turning quickly to my equipment, hoping he didn't notice. I start disassembling and putting stuff back into its casing.

"Do you have the time?" Vic startles me, I forgot he was there he was so quite.
"Yeah," I say, glancing down at my watch and turning slightly to face him, camera lense in hand.
"It's 7:28." I tell him, he looks a bit surprised.
"Wow, I swear it's only been an hour, not three." I let out a forced chuckle in response, I don't know how to keep conversation up from here.

Usually I find people easy and fun to talk to. And people generally like talking to me. But this guy, Vic Fuentes, is making my throat tight and butterflies swing in my stomach.

"Most of my shoots only take about an hour, tops. The photographer knows exactly what two or three shots they want, they get them, they leave and get paid. That's it." He continues. I didn't think he'd keep talking.

"You played with it. You took a bunch of different pictures. Different angles, changed lenses and ideas. Took new approaches. I think that's pretty cool, and your shots will probably end up so much nicer than most." He finishes. I'm taken aback. This beautiful, smirking man just complimented me. The model complimented the photographer.

I shrug.
"It wouldn't feel right to not take every possible picture. I like having a lot to go through, be able to pick my favorites" I almost mumble, fiddling with the lense in my hand. He's making me nervous and I don't know why.

"And it wouldn't feel right for me to leave this room without your number. I really liked the way you treated me like another person, not just a way for someone to make money. I'd love to see the finished pictures sometime." My lord this man is smooth.

"I-I- Uh, yeah. Of course, for sure! I, uh, have my phone, yeah." I stutter. The hotass model just asked for the photographer's number. My number. He wants to see my work, he actually seems genuinely interested.

I rummage through my camera bag, putting the lense I was holding away and pulling my phone out from a separate pocket. I make my way back over to Vic, who has his jeans back on and is looking at me expectantly.

I unlock the device and hand it to him. He takes it and starts typing stuff in. I can't help but look at his sculpted face as its illuminated by the phone screen. I'd like to say it's because as a photographer I find lighting interesting, which I do, but it's purely because he's so damn fine.

Goddamit Jaime! I met the guy a few hours ago! Yeah, he's pretty. Yeah, I have his number. But why is he so stuck in my head, and so quickly?

"Jaime." Vic's voice interrupts me from my pondering about his beauty. He's holding my phone out to me.

"Oh, thanks." I say quietly and take my cellphone back from him.
"Text me anytime, I'd really like to hear from you again." He says kindly. His deep brown eyes are filled with honesty, he's not mocking me, not just fucking around. He looks like he's genuinely want to get to to know me. It's kind of weird, but hey, a gorgeous model just gave me his number, I don't plan on letting that go to waste!

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