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Vic and I have been lying around his apartment for a few hours, talking about music. He has a really cool variety of albums, he says he listens to what he likes, not just one specific genre or style. I like that, a lot of people think if they listen to one thing they're not allowed to like something different.

Vic picked up one of the several guitars that had been lying around the room. There's quiet background music playing, a soft indie record Vic put on. It fits in the relaxed, comfortable setting.

Vic sits down beside me on his bed. At first I felt awkward, being in his personal space. But now it feels like we're old friends, chatting and just having a good time.

He starts to gently strum the guitar. The way he holds the instrument is like it's an extension of his body, another part of him. It looks so natural, Vic sitting there, in a sweatshirt and jeans, playing a soft melody, completely in his element. Somehow I think this is the most beautiful version of Vic I've seen.

"Jaime, you're staring again," Vic chuckles, still looking down at the instrument. My cheeks burn and I look down at my hands, does he always know when I'm watching him?

"I don't mind. You're not paparazzi or a perverted photographer..." He trails off, the instrument in his hands makes a shrill sound when his fingers suddenly fall past the chords. The noise brings him back from wherever he went after speaking.

My brow creases. "Perverted photographers". That really can only lead my mind to one conclusion. I want to hug the smaller boy, tell him it won't happen again. I won't let it.

But I barely know him. I can't promise that something like that won't happen again, I can't tell him I won't let it. I'm not involved in his life like that, even if I slightly want to be.

We both drift off into our own little worlds. I stare out of the large bay window, at the foggy haze around the city. It would be fun to take pictures of, they'd look nice in black and white, but I didn't bring any equipment. And setting up a mini photography studio in Vic's bedroom might not get me invited back.

"It would make a nice picture, wouldn't it?" Vic's rough voice reminds me there's another person with me.

"Tone down the exposure, shoot in black and white off a balanced tripod. Maybe even a fifteen second long exposure shot. Could also be interesting with a telephoto lense." I say quietly. Talking about photography sends a though through my mind that I'm just a photographer. Vic is a model. In this industry, I'm inferior.

"You're cute, Jaime." Vic turns his gaze from the window to me. His brown eyes are warm and friendly. His full lips are turned upwards in a small, adorable smile.

"You good?" He asks, a frown of concern taking over his pretty features. He noticed my rather sudden apprehension towards him, I really shouldn't feel like this but I can't help it.

"It's just.." I start, Vic nods carefully. He's trying to establish eye contact, I don't know why I'm avoiding it. What happened to my people skills?

"It's just that you're a model. You're successful. You're the guy every man wants to be, and every girl wants to be with. I'm, well, I'm a photographer. In the industry, uh, well, I'm the inferior one. I'm the one paid to make you look even better than you already do, if that's even possible." I say the last bit quietly, if it's even an option to make the situation less embarrassing.

  I can't manage to look up at Vic. I'm uncomfortable, I'm usually someone who's completely okay with speaking my mind and vocalizing my feelings. But with Vic, I just feel stupid.

"Jaime, I personally think that with the whole model and photographer shit that the guy with the camera can make or break a shoot. If a photographer has an ounce of talent they can use any person at anytime and make the situation within the frame look as put together as a high budget shoot. Big shot companies like generic pretty people because that's what society likes, or what the world has been sculpted to think is what you need to be. But it's the photographer that makes the difference."

I don't have reply to Vic's little speech. He also seems to be someone with a lot to say, a big opinion. I hope I get to know him well enough to know what goes on in his head.

"Oh, and when you mentioned the whole girl thing, I kinda swing the other way." He adds with a chuckle. I can't help but smile, too. I look back up at him, even though I haven't been showing him much conversational respect, I'm pretty sure he's been maintaining eye contact with the top of my head.

"Yeah, me too." I say nervously. This whole butterflies in your stomach feeling really isn't fun.

Vic's smile broadens a bit, damn, he looks good smiling.

"Do you know the spell Expelliarmus?" I blurt suddenly. Vic gives me a weird look.

"Because your smile just disarmed me." Goddamit Jaime, back at it again with the shitty pick up lines.

Vic's frown turns into laughter. And oh my god, if I thought he looked good smiling, don't even get me started on his laugh.

"So I tell you I'm gay and bam, pick up lines?" He says through giggles. God, I could live off that sound.

"You bet." I grin back at him.

As Vic's laughter dies down I check my watch, 6:53. Wow, I didn't think I'd end up spending this much time with Vic, much less really enjoy his company. I thought he'd just leave after looking at the pictures in the coffee shop. But here we are. laughing over a pick up line in his bedroom. 

"I should probably head out." I say, truthfully I don't really want to leave, but I don't want to overstay my welcome.

"Yeah, okay." Vic replies softly.

The lighting in the apartment is dim now, with the overcast sky and setting sun. Vic and I get up off his comfortable bed and he leads me back to the front door.

"I had a good time today." Vic says as I pull my jacket on and swing my computer bag over my shoulder.

"Me too," I reply softly. I turn towards the door, hand on the knob. I'm about to step out into the hall when Vic speaks,

"Hime, you forgot something."

I turn back to him, did I drop my wallet? Keys, maybe?

Instead of answering Vic steps towards me, my confusion must be written on my face.

"A kiss," He mumbles and presses his lips to mine.

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