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"Vic..." I mumble as I drop my camera bag near the shooting area, my eyes glued to the hat on the floor. Vic's hat.

The numb feeling that had faded over the past few days returns, along with a slight buzzing panic throughout my veins. The man himself is nowhere to be seen, probably behind one of the dressing room doors.

I try to block out the sudden rush of emotions and just set up for the shoot. My fingers fumble with the zipper on my camera bag, my left leg bouncing, and humming frantically under my breath.
I don't think I've been this nervous since my first high school exam, but this time I don't know why I'm so strung out.

Actually, I do know why, but I don't want to admit it. The image of Vic so endorsed in another man still burns behind my eyelids.

The I hear a door shut as I'm attaching my camera to the tripod, and reach over to flick on the switch to the studio lights.
I turn my head, and I'm met with Vic. His usually slightly knotted hair is now in perfect, loose waves...? Curls? Whatever they are, he looks amazing.

My stomach explodes with butterflies as my eyes slowly drift down his small body. His lean and toned torso is barely covered by an unbuttoned denim collared shirt. The upper part of the outfit is complimented by a pair of low riding, tight fitting, black jeans.
His face and any other exposed skin has been made virtually flawless through layers of makeup. His eyebrows are shaped and filled to perfection, any blemish his olive skin could have had are covered by perfectly blended cosmetics. There's a slight amount of stubble on his jawline, and his cheekbones have been contoured.

"Jaime..." his voice hits me like a train. God, I've missed it. I've missed him.

His voice interrupts the lovely time I was having staring at his v line, and a slight blush creeps into my cheeks. I look away from him and fiddle with the camera, biting my lip nervously.

"I'm so sorry. You've ignored my calls and my texts and I just... I've been tearing myself apart, knowing I hurt you. Knowing you probably hate me. I can't deal with it, I can't deal with not having you. And I know I did a terrible thing, an awful, awful thing. I can't forgive myself, nevermind expect you to forgive me. I don't blame you, kissing another guy while so utterly in love with you was, is, forever will be, just so wrong. I don't know what had gotten into me, I just had this sudden urge to kiss him after the shoot and so I did then you walked in and my entire world fell apart the moment you slammed the door. I love you, Jaime. I miss you, and I want you back so fucking badly. I know I don't deserve it and it's so selfish, but I can't help it..." Vic says, his voice breaking a few times. His dark brown eyes wide and honest.

"I came here with the intention to just get yet another shoot over with. I was going to call you today, say that we're over. Tell you I'll bring your things back to your place if you'll give me mine. Use a stoic face and a monotonous voice to cover the fact that I still love you. But then I walked in here and saw your hat on the ground and I know I can't walk away from you. You and that guy, the mental picture refuses to leave my mind, it's been haunting me. But I can't just let you go, I fucking can't. No matter how many Instagram posts saying that if he's done it once, he'll do it again can change the fact that I'm completely and utterly whipped for you, Viccy. I need you." I add to the already sappy and cliche moment.

My eyes meet Vic's and the black pit in my stomach starts to feel a little better and the ache in my chest starts to ease up. My nerves are gone, now all I feel is relief.
He loves me.

Vic loves me.

Without thinking, I move quickly towards Vic. I close the space between us in a few strides, leaving me standing a little too close to Vic. His ashy eyes look up to meet mine, his hands grabbing mine, maxing out fingers together. Even just his touch has me going a little crazy.

I open my mouth to say something, but before I can say anything, Vic's lips are on mine. I kiss him back with all I have, trying to communicate what I can't put into words.

I forgot how phenomenal kissing Vic is, with his soft lips and rough stubble and smooth tongue. The way he lets me take charge but not all the control.

I've missed him so much.

We break away from each other, panting. Our bodies are pressed together, Vic's fingers tangled in my hair and my arms around his waist. I lean my forehead against his, looking down into his eyes, which are now bright and filled with exhilaration.



"Pose for me."

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