41: Shattered

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A/N: If you haven't read Chapter 40, I'd recommend you do it before reading this.

Hey everyone, here's a new chapter for you but it won't be a pleasant one. I ain't saying any more!

On with the chapter!

:-{ D
Things were different. The atmosphere was tense. Harley noticed this since she went after The Joker. It's been nearly a week and a half since that fateful day and things in the house were a lot different. When they got back, Ivy treated Harley in total silence. She didn't ask any questions, nor did she ask if she was okay. Ivy just cleaned Harley up and did her best to heal Harley as fast as possible. Ivy was quieter and seemed distant from Harley. Harley did her best to try and break Ivy but it didn't work. She gave up and let Ivy deal with whatever was wrong on her own.

"Hey red, I'm going into town. Do ya wanna come with?" Harley asked. "No thanks" Ivy replied, writing in her note book at the kitchen table. "Uhm, can I take the car?" Harley said. "Yeah, be careful though" Ivy answered. "Will do" Harley said sadly. She got her keys and left the house. Harley got into the car and drove off.

As she drove towards Gotham, a memory popped into her head. A time not so long back with her and Ivy.
It was a very hot day and it was so hot that they did not have the energy to move or do anything. The pair had a blanket laid out on the ground in the garden and both of them were laying on top of it. Harley and Ivy were wearing shorts and were not wearing shoes or socks. Harley was wearing a red and black tank top while Ivy wore a green tank top.

Ivy had her arm round Harley while they both stared up at the clear blue sky. "It's so hot!" Harley moaned. "Yeah I know you are" Ivy said with a smile. "I mean the weather" Harley giggled. "Yeah that too" Ivy replied. The pair then started to play with each other's hands. "Despite it being a thousand degrees, I'm loving every second of this" Harley said. "Me too baby" Ivy agreed, locking her hand with Harley's.

"I love you" Ivy smiled. "Love ya more" Harley replied with a grin. "No you don't" Ivy stated. "Why's that?" Harley asked. "Cause I love you more" Ivy answered. "Nu-uh!" Harley protested. "Oh yes I do" Ivy said, laughing slightly. "Well that's impossible cause I love you way more than you love me" Harley told Ivy. "Fine, lets agree that we love each other equally" Ivy laughed. "Nope, cause I love you more!" Harley cheered, kissing Ivy on the cheek. Ivy laughed causing Harley to laugh.

The memory ended and Harley stared ahead sadly. It was a moment that could easily be forgotten but it was a memory that Harley would always remember.

Harley arrived in Gotham and parked up. She then started to walk round Gotham. She tried her best to forget about Ivy's odd behaviour. As she walked, she didn't hear someone calling her. A hand grabbed her shoulder, making Harley snap out of it. "Harley, you was so far away" Jane smiled. "Oh was I? Sorry" Harley apologised. "It's okay. Where's Pamela?" Jane asked.

After ordering what she wanted to the cafe waitress, Jane turned her attention to Harley. "So, what's up?" Jane asked. "Nothing" Harley replied. Jane sighed, knowing Harley wasn't being truthful. Looks like you've been in a scrap with someone" Jane pointed out, eyeing the cuts and bruises on Harley's face. "Wouldn't have anything to do with that abandoned building that went up in flames would it?" Jane asked. "Yeah, I was in it... Fighting Joker" Harley replied. "You okay?" Jane asked. Harley shrugged. "He's gone now, he won't bother me anymore" Harley revealed. Jane nodded, knowing that something else were bothering her. "So what's the matter?" Jane asked. "Ivy is angry. I don't know why but she hardly talks" Harley revealed.

Jane sighed, thinking what to say. "There could be a few reasons why she's quiet. The only advise I can give you is just... Talk to her" Jane told Harley. Harley nodded in response.

Later, Harley arrived home and waited for the right moment to talk to Ivy. It was evening time and Harley decided it was now or never. Harley sat down next to Ivy and began. "Red, please talk to me. Ever since that day you've been really distant with me" Harley begged. "I'm fine, just drop it" Ivy replied sternly. "Please baybee" Harley went on. "I said drop it!" Ivy snapped, getting up and walking away. "What is wrong with you!?" Harley asked. "What's wrong with me!?" Ivy exclaimed, turning to look at Harley. "Alright yes, I have been distant! It's because of what you did!" Ivy revealed. "What? Me ending The Joker forever?" Harley asked. "No! I told you to leave it be!  To let it go but you didn't! The fact that you ignored everything I told you! You promised me!" Ivy yelled, getting upset. Harley lowered her head in sadness. "I'm not angry at you but I ain't happy!" Ivy added before taking a moment to calm down.

Ivy sighed as Harley looked up at Ivy slightly. "The thing that really got me wasn't ignoring me. It was you breaking a promise. You promised me Harley and you broke it" Ivy said sadly. "But red I-"Harley began. "You promised me!" Ivy interrupted angrily. Harley looked down again, not able to look Ivy in the eyes. "It hurts Harley... You broke a promise and it hurts" Ivy sobbed. Silence fell upon the pair as Ivy cried and Harley sat there, thinking about what she had done.

"I'm sorry red" Harley said softly. "I know but right now,  I'm hurting and I need time to heal" Ivy replied. "W-what do you mean?" Harley asked, getting upset. "I need time to think... I uhm... We uh..." Ivy began but struggled to get out what she wanted to say. She took a deep breath before getting it out. "I think we need a break from each other" Ivy told Harley sadly. "Please red, don't do this! Please!" Harley pleaded. "Harley" Ivy said, holding her hand up. She shook her head. Ivy turned around and left the room, leaving Harley to cry alone...
Well, that was emotional. I'm sorry if your not liking this story-line right now but I think it's important. Especially as this is portraying more of what a normal relationship is like in the real world it has a lot of ups and some downs. I told you things were different. Post in the comments your thoughts on what will happen next!

I do have a bit of news however. It's time for another break. I was going to 45 before going on a break but work is piling up and I need to get it done. It may be a good 3 weeks before I return so sorry about this. I'll be back, don't worry.

UPDATE! I'm not sure if I am going on a break now. If I am, then the above sticks. If I don't upload a new chapter by next Friday then this fanfiction is definitely on a break.

Next chapter is titled: 'Going on Alone'. See you all next chapter.

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