(29) Finding the Tank

Start from the beginning

I leaned my head away from his shoulder. “What we need is a distraction for these bastards.”

He maneuvered us out of some Walkers’ reach before answering. “We ain’t that lucky.”

“I am.” I slyly smiled before pulling out one of the grenades from my pack. “Pretty damn lucky, if I do say so myself.”

Daryl made sure that we were out of the Walkers way before making a quick glance down. As soon as he caught sight of the grenade and scoffed. “Car’s two more streets down and that’s not going to get us there.”

“I’ve got seven more.” I lifted the grenade to my mouth and pulled the pin out before tossing it and yanking out another one. “If we can break up the big groups and avoid the stragglers I can at least get us a street closer.”

The grenade went off and rotting pieces of Walkers flew everywhere. As soon as the blast had cleared Daryl ran through it towards a nearby building. He rounded the side of it until he came across a door and without hesitating he broke it down with one hard hit from his shoulder.

He was breathing heavily and there was sweat collecting on his brow. I knew that he was overexerting himself because he had to lug me around as he was taking on Walkers and I felt horrible for slowing him down, but I also knew now was not the time to have a pity party. Besides Daryl was stubborn and trying to convince him to leave me behind would just be a waste on both of our times.

“What else do ya’ have in that bag?” He asked as he moved to close the door. Before he could close it however Adam came barging in covered in even more blood than last time.

“I listen to your plan and you try to leave me out there as bait?” Adam spat and pointed the brain splattered gun at Daryl as if he was about to hit him with it like he had with the Walkers. “If you pull that stunt again I’ll skewer your damn girlfriend and leave her for the Walkers!”

I tightened my grip on the grenade in my hand and sneered at my brother. “Don’t you threaten me, Adam because we both know that even in this condition I can still beat your ass!”

As if he was just seeing me for the first time Adam mouth gaped open. His brows were still drawn in anger but I could tell by his eyes that he was surprised to see me. “Eve?”

“Oh don’t even act like you’re surprised to see me.” I sneered back at him. “You had to have known that it was me. I’ve been talking to Daryl this whole damn time and there’s no way that you couldn’t have seen my face.”

His eyes were wide as he took a step out of the doorway, and fumbled to get the door closed. “I thought your voice sounded familiar but I didn’t’…I didn’t see…”

Daryl shook me around in his arms. “Adam? Your little brother Adam?”

“Well yeah,” I pulled my attention away from Adam and looked up at Daryl questionably. “Why, you didn’t know that he was my brother?”

“We didn’t really have time for introductions Eve.” Adam cut in and started moving things in front of the door.

“An’ he’s a damn Spic.” Daryl spat out.

“Hawaiian.” Both Adam and I corrected.

“I don’t fucking care!” He yelled down at me. “There is no way that that islander man is your little brother.”

“Jesus Dixon. I think of him like brother.” I scoffed before dropping the grenade back into my pack and using my now free hand to jab him in the chest. “I was abandoned at the CDC as a baby. You didn’t actually believe that I just so happened to have a blood relative magically appear there too did you?”

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