(3)The Day It All Started

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing annoyingly beside my bed. At first I just sneered at the damn thing hoping that somehow it would magically combust or something but when another aggravating ring sounded through my bedroom and nothing caught fire, I knew it wasn’t going to happen.

With a groan I reached over and picked it up off of my nightstand. I had been sleeping on my stomach last night so when I went to look at it I had to lift my body up with my elbows. I caught a quick glimpse at the time on my phone before groaning again. Is it really 2pm right now?

Pissed that I had over slept and ruined my grand scheme of bitchin’ out the CDC this morning I ended up snapping into the receiver, “What?”

“Thank god you finally picked up,” Dr. Candace Jenner practically cried into the phone, “Listen Eve, something has happened and we need you to come back to the CDC as soon as possible.”

Fear began to burn its way into my chest as thoughts of Adam filled my head. Had his sickness returned after I had left? Was he in critical condition? Oh god why had I left him there all alone?

I asked worriedly, “Is it Adam? What happened? The doctors said that he was cured. They said that he was fine when I left-

“He’s fine.” I let out a sigh of relief and loosened my grip on the phone. “But listen to me Eve, things are bad outside. We don’t know what it is but it’s some kind of disease. It has to be some kind of disease because people don’t just attack others like that.”

“Like what?” I cautiously asked before picking myself up off of my bed and padding over to my dresser. Her words were so mushed together and broken that I could hardly catch what she was saying. “I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

“Listen!” She cried desperately into the phone making me come to a pause at my dresser. I had a shirt clenched between my fists as she continued yelling, “People- The dead. People that should be dead are walking around outside and killing regular people. I saw someone stab one through its heart and the bloody thing didn’t even flinch, it just bit into the person’s flesh and ate them! Do you understand me now? It ate a living person!”

Her explanation sounded like a bad horror movie but by how hysterical she sounded I knew that she was really freakin’ out about it, which meant that she was speaking the truth. I could feel something in my mind click and from my many years of harsh training I knew that it was my survival instinct kicking in. I let myself take in a deep shaky breath before putting all of the fear and worry I had building up inside of me and locking it away.

When I exhaled it was in one solid moment and without wasting any more time I reached into the bottom of my drawer for a different shirt. It was a tight black short sleeved shirt with breathable fabric along the underarms. I set down the portable phone on the top of the dresser before changing my top. I could faintly hear Dr. Jenner crying into the phone but she was too hysterical now to understand.

I quickly changed into a pair of light black running pants and then I slipped into a pair of my running shoes. When I was done I picked back up the phone and crisply asked, “You said that they looked dead what did you mean by that?”

She paused mid-way through a cry at my voice and when the silence continued to drag on I started to get aggravated. I thought I was going to have to repeat myself but then she weakly responded. “Like a dead body would l-look like. Their skin is pale and the wounds have stopped bleeding no matter how bad the injury had been. It’s almost like their blood is clotted or there is just none left.”

I walked out of my bedroom with only the phone in my hand and the clothes on my back before heading down the stairs. “You said that you saw someone stabbed it in the chest and it didn’t die right?”

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