(7) The Search

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I didn’t fall asleep in my ‘tank’ with Sophia because truthfully I couldn’t afford to. I was supposed to be monitoring the little one and seeing if she adapted any symptoms. A smile formed on my face as I watched her innocently sleep. Truthfully I didn’t think anything would happen to her. She seemed to be in great health, despite how small she was for her age, and she wasn’t tossing or screaming like I imagined a small child would do from living in this new kind of world.

With a sigh I turned to look outside of my window just in time to see the old man with dress pants and a button down shirt, getting into a car. Sophia hadn’t known who the man was so I assumed that he was a new addition to the group along with a few others that she couldn’t name. I watch curiously as he left the farm. For an old man to leave here without any sort of shotgun for protection didn’t seem to be a very wise decision and judging from the fact that no one else had seen him leave gave me an even more ominous vibe.

For a split second I thought about going after him or something but then I remembered how I had told Rick that I wouldn’t be helping them out with anything and not to consider me a part of the group. I about kicked myself for saying such stupid things. I hadn’t meant to sound like such a bitch or anything but at the time it seemed like a perfect trade off. If I wasn’t close to them then I could obverse them without any bias but I could already feel a kind of connection between the group and me and it just made me even angrier.

Less than an hour later I watched as Rick and the Asian man, Glenn hopped into another car and stared driving off the farmland. With a relieved sigh I settled back down into my seat and relaxed a little bit. They must have figured out that the old man was missing and gone after him. After a couple more minutes I slowly slipped into a bored lull. Around this time I would be going through my inventory and making sure that all of my weapons were clean but the noise could wake up Sophia so I put it on the back burner.

I was about to fall back asleep when noticed that Lori, a long wavy haired brunette with a tall slender body, was nervously pacing around. If she would have been any other woman in the group I probably would have just ignored her but she wasn’t some other member. From what Sophia had told me, she was Rick’s wife and Carl’s mother giving her an important position on the group’s totem pole.

It didn’t take me very long to figure out that something was wrong as she wondered further into the fields where Daryl had last taken off to. Curious as to what she might need Daryl for I sat back up in my seat and tried to get a better view of her but she was already out of range. Disappointed that I might be missing out on something I turned to check on Sophia. She looked to still be in a deep sleep so without hesitating I pulled my keys out of the ignition, got out of the ‘tank’, and locked the car back up before heading to where Lori had gone.

It wasn’t long before I figured out that Lori had found Daryl, didn’t take too long to find them either with Daryl’s loud ass voice.

“Yeah. So what?” He scoffed. I smiled lightly at his ‘I don’t give two shits’ tone as I hid securely behind a large tree. I was close enough to hear their conversation but far enough so that if I popped my head out to take a peek at them neither would notice…well I hoped Daryl wouldn’t at least.

“So I need you to run into town real quick and bring him and Rick back.” I found myself frowning at her tone. It was full of authority, like her husband, but it was strange to think of Daryl taking orders from her.

“Daryl?” She impatiently mouthed before leaning more weight onto one hip.

I make out the light noise of metal scraping against wood. With another quick peek I saw that it was Daryl making new arrows. Daryl lifted the slice of wood up to examine how level it was and while he did it I noticed his eyes flicker over in my direction. Ah Shit. I thought when he gaze linger a moment longer than normal. He definitely knows I’m here.

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