(14) The Run

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There was no point in trying to argue my side of the story to the rest of the group because Shane had weaved such a brilliantly crafted lie that it had me second guessing what had really gone down. When Rick had asked me for my side I saw it in his eyes that he had already sided with Shane. Truthfully I couldn’t blame him for it or any of them for that matter because I had known the group for what? Less than a week?

With a sigh I briefly explained. “I thought that duffle bag was full of clothes and went to go bring it in. Shane thought I was stealing it and we got in a fight.”

Rick nodded his head as if I had just confessed that I was guilty of everything. He started rambling on about how if I had a problem with someone in the group then I should go to him and blah blah blah. After a certain point I just didn’t give a damn. In the middle of Rick’s rant I bent down and picked back up my knife.

Rick’s hand touched the butt of his gun at my action. “Whoa now.”

“I ain’t going to hurt anyone. I’m just picking it up so I can leave.” I scoffed at him before wiping the blade off on my jean and sliding it back into its holder behind my back.

“Leave?” Carol asked with a worried tone. I met her gaze with an arched eyebrow, not quite understanding why she would be worried about me heading back to my car.

“Yea.” I answered hesitantly.

She took a step towards me to say something else but Rick lifted up a hand to stop her. “Now hold on.” His eyes met back with mine. “I know that you and Shane don’t get along but this little quarrel was nothing to get upset about.”

Upset? I thought irked. “The man threatened to kill me, nobody believes my side of the story and ya’ think that I’m upset?” I took a step in Rick’s direction. “I’m royally pissed off and if ya’ were a smart

pig then I would suggested that ya’ back the fuck off before ya’ piss me off even more.”

Rick held his hands up in surrender at me. “Easy.” He soothed taking a step closer to me. “Maybe we all just need to take some time to cool off before making any sort of decision.”

“Ya do that.” I spat and then crossed my arms over my chest and started walking towards my tank.

“Where are you going?” Rick asked with a hard tone.

I didn’t even bother to stop. “To my car.”

There was a long pause and for a second I thought that the conversation was over but then Rick went said, “Hold on Eve.”

I had stopped because of the commanding tone that he had in his voice, and turned around to look at him. The way he held himself and kept his eyes trained on me made me see him as more of a leader than ever before.

“What?” I questioned in a nicer tone.

He took a step forward, hand extended out. “I know that being with this group hasn’t been easy but despite all of the things we have done we need you. If you need some time to get some air or clear your head I understand but I can’t allow you to leave alone.”

I frowned at him not understanding why it was so important that I stayed here. I mean, I just wanted to go to my car. It wasn’t like I was trying to leave….

A smile crept onto my face. Now I get it. I thought devilishly. The group had been worried that I was leaving them and never coming back. Ah now it all makes sense.

I decided to play along just to see what I could get out of him. “If I’m going to clear my head then I need some time away from this farm.”

He let out a sigh before lifting up a hand and scratching the back of his head. “Where do you plan on going?”

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