(10) The Double Wammy

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Those dead black eyes stared at me with the smallest spark of excitement. “Boss has had us looking all over for you, Viv.”

With those few words it was like I was tossed into a black hole with no clue on how I had gotten there or how to get out. The skin on my arms became cold and bumpy as I stared into Randall’s black eyes. There had been only one person that I had lied to about my name. One other group that had known that I had the vaccinations. Just one.

How had this happened? What were the odds that the boy that Rick ended up saving would be from the group that I had tested the vaccination out on? How had I forgotten about the threat that the large group of men posed to me.

It seemed like such a long time ago that I had encountered that gathering of vile men. Having their dark cold eyes staring at my body as I walked among them still made my stomach uneasy but what made me truly and undoubtedly scared was the fact that they were looking for me. I should have known that if I left their leader Bryan, alive then something like this was going to happen. I should have known that they were going to come after me, after the cure.

Blood was pounding in my ears as I stared into the boy’s eyes. A painful grin formed on his lips as he tightened his grip on me wrist. “I found you.”

My racing heart stopped in pure terror at what he was saying and it was then that I knew that I had to get away from him. The fear that was gripping at my throat was suffocating but I managed to yank my arm out of his grasp.

Randall frowned at me trying to leave and his mouth pulled back into a grimace. He pushed himself up on one elbow and tried reaching for me. “Where’re you going Viv?”

My breathing became shallow as I moved away from him but his eyes never left mine. He noticed how far I was getting and his body started shaking in anger. He was now yelling the name Viv over and over again and Patricia was struggling to keep him flat on the table. Hershel looked back at me and the boy with a deep frown, trying to figure out what was going on but before he could ask me a single question I ran out of the room.

My normally stealthy movements were sloppy as my heavy feet pounded against the wooden floors. In the back of my mind I noticed some of the group member looking at with concern but none of them came after me. I blew through the front door, flinching slightly when it slammed against the side of the house and flew down the steps.

Through my panic I vaguely heard my name being yelled but I ignored it. What if Bryan was close? What if he killed Rick’s group because I had been with them? God why had I stuck with them in the first place? I was halfway to my car when the voice that had been calling my name grew louder, demanding my attention. I looked over my shoulder and saw Daryl.

His brow was crinkled and his mouth was drawn in a firm line but it was his eyes that held my attention. The lightening blue color made me pause in my panicked run and held me in place until he was in reaching distance.

“What the hell’s going on with ya’ Evie? Ya’ just blew out of the house like your ass was on fire.” His eyes were trained on me, looking me over for any injures or any hints that might tell him why I was so freaked but I knew that he wouldn’t find anything.

Panic crept its way back into my mind as I nervously looked from him to my car. “I have to leave.”

“Leave? Where are ya’ going?” He questioned with his eyes growing even lighter.

I started moving to my car again. “Away. I have to get away from here.”

He followed me with a deep frown forming on his face. “Why the hell do ya’ have to go? Did someone say something to ya’? Did Shane tell ya’ to leave?”

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