(5) The Cure

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The son of a bitch was not making things easy for me. He groaned and snapped as it struggled to turn its head around and take a bite out of my hand.

“Sorry but not today ya’ little bastard.” I finally jammed the syringe into the back of its skull and pumped the black liquid into its system. Almost immediately the geek stopped struggle under me and laid there completely still; dead. I cursed loudly at failing again and threw the empty syringe across the pavement.

The first shot I had practically wasted on a geek when I had tackled him to the floor and blindly stabbed it into the back of its head. Little did I know that the geek had been missing half of its god damn chest, so even if I had brought him back to life he would have died in seconds.

It had taken me a fucking week to find a geek that wasn’t badly injured and still he hadn’t come back to life. I felt frustrated as I rolled off of the dead body and made my way over to my ‘tank’. I mumbled out a few other choice curses before reaching for a bottle of water and chugging it down. It had rained the night before last making it easy for me to collect fresh drinking water.

I tossed the empty water bottle behind my seat before climbing in and yanking an apple out of another bag. The CDC had supplied me with a lot of army food, the kind that you just add water to, they were filling but tasteless and I only ate them when I couldn’t find something else to eat, which didn’t happen all too often. Taking a generous bite out of my apple I started thinking about the last vial of the supposed cure.

After living in the CDC for nearly my entire life I had picked up on a few things. I couldn’t name chromosomes or anything but I could think in technically terms. Dr. Jenner had told me that she had modified the virus into making the entire brain active instead of just the brain stem, hoping that with a fully functional brain the person might be able revert back to a normal human being. The creature coming back as a supercharge Geek though had crossed my mind but judging on how the last one just played dead I suspected that that wasn’t going to happen.

I tossed my apple out of the window before starting back up my ‘tank’. Maybe the serum was a fluke and Dr. Jenner needed to spend a little more time on it or something. I tapped my finger against the steering wheel as I thought more on the subject, it’s not like I had anything better to do anyway.

“Maybe it has to do with the brain.” I thought aloud as I drove down an old road and suddenly I gasped. “I’ve been going on about it all wrong damn it. That last one had to be in his late thirties or something. The brain by then is fully developed and restoring that many dead cells might be too much even for the mutated virus. “But what if the brain was still developing?”

I snapped my fingers together and laughed at my own discovery. “If the brain was still developing then maybe it would be easier for the virus to restart it. Ah it’s perfect! I have to find a kid to cure!”

Suddenly was on the search again. I drove for another two days and found absolutely no geeks at all. It made me want to grab a gun out of the back and just go crazy outside until the sound attracted them from all over but that would be a waste of ammo.

I found myself on a road that was leading me to the middle of nowhere. There were miles of fields, pastures, woods in every direction leading me to believe that I was in some kind of a farm land or something. Knowing that farmlands like this normally didn’t have a heavy populated area to being with, I starting cursing. There was no why I was going to find a barely touched undead child way out here.

I reached over to the passenger’s seat and grabbed ahold of my discarded map. Once I found out where I was I was surprised to see a highway not too far off. Thinking that I could turn myself around there and head to a bigger city I started to turn my tank in its direction; however, a certain noise caught my attention.

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