(8) The Way Back

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I woke up to the sound of screaming. My eyes snapped opened before twisting my head to see what was going on. Bad move. Pain shot up from my shoulders and neck blazing a trail straight into my throbbing skull. My eyes instantly clamped shut from the excruciating pain and I clenched my jaw shut to hold back my scream. Red flashed behind my closed eyelids as Lori screaming got even higher, making my head ache more. I knew that something was wrong. I knew it but for the life of me I couldn’t make my body do what I wanted it to.

I felt a hand reach up and grab ahold of my dangling arm, instantly making me wince at the newfound pain. My eyes snapped back open, this time ignoring the way my neck cracked when I turned it. For a second everything was blurry, like I was looking through an old glass with an annoying flickering red light blinking every few seconds. Lori let out another ear cracking scream that rang endlessly inside of my head.

“God damn it, will ya’ shut the hell up.” My voice came out huskier than I remembered it being which made me wish for a glass of water.

Lori’s breathing was heavy and I could faintly hear her squirming around in on the seat. Her grip tightened on my hanging arm making me groan from the pain.

“Walker. Walker. There’s a Walker.” She yelled hysterically.

Walker? I thought vaguely trying to think of what the hell she was talking about. My mind seemed to be just as foggy as my sight at the moment because I couldn’t think of what she was talking about. A sound of glass breaking and crumpling down to the floor had me straining my eyes against the brown mass in front of me.

Not being able to figure out what it was I groaned again angrily and blinked my eyes a few times to try and clear up the fog. It didn’t really work all too well but my headache numbed a little. Taking a deep frustrated breath I blocked out Lori’s screaming and deadly grip to close my eyes once more, praying that when I opened them I would be able to see what all of the fuss was about.

Lori’s nails were digging into my arm and the sound of chopping grew more definite. After taking a semi-relaxing breath I opened up my eyes. The fog was still present and I became even more frustrated until my eyes started focusing on the mass. Suddenly everything snapped into perspective.

Yellow and brown teeth snapped hungrily near Lori’s horrified face making her scream even louder. Glass trickled down from the windshield as the creature pushed its way through the small opening. It’s skin was being peeled back by the sharp glass, showing the torn muscle underneath, and smearing globs of blood through the cracks.

Shit there's a Geek. I slammed into action, understanding now why she had been screaming and automatically went for my seat belt. The car had landed on its side after our crash blocking Lori between the ground and me. My hands were slick with blood making it difficult to unlatch my belt. There was a resounding click and the belt hung lifelessly as my body slipped out of the seat. I fell down against Lori, smashing her against the ground and broken shards; however, by doing so I got closer to the Geek's face. The corpse let out a blood curdling snarl, spewing out pieces of flesh and blood onto my face.

Remembering that I had my Swiss knife in my back pocket I reached around for it. I almost cried when I felt the cool metal touch my skin. Yanking the knife out I then released the blade and slammed it into the Geeks protruding forehead. Blood squeezed out between the skin and the hilt of the knife in a gruesome manner.

The Geek’s grunting stopped and its body flattened lifelessly against the glass. I tightened my grip on the knife before yanking it out. A gushing slice sounded through the car making Lori gag. I blamed her uneasy stomach on her secret pregnancy and wiped the blade off on the seat. With the threat now gone I moved my weight off of Lori and started climbing up to the broken passenger window. There was a slight sting from the left over shards cutting into my skin as I wiggled my way through the window, but it was nothing compared to what the rest of my body felt like.

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